Tuesday, June 16, 2009



One day when Baba was having lunch, a dog entered Dwarakamai and put its snout in the can containing buttermilk. Bade Baba who saw it at once ordered another devotee present to throw away the polluted buttermilk. Baba said "Why? He then gave it to one Babu and got a dish prepared with it which he ate at night.

Sri Marthand, son of late Sri Mahlsapathi, has recounted to me the following characteristic incident:

One day a palanquin was carried to and set down in front of Dwarakamai by a band of attendants. It was curtained on all sides so that the inmates of it could not be see. One of the attendants accompanying the palanquin carried a big vessel with its opening secured by a piece of a cloth into the mosque and kept it before Baba.

Baba brusquely said, "Who has come (in the palanquin)? ... Whoever it is, remove the curtains!". The curtains were removed. The person in the palanquin was the princess Chimnabai, one of the then princely States of India.

Baba told Mahalsapathi to see what the vessel contained. The latter looked up and said, "It contains gold!"

Baba pointing at himself, said to Mahlsapathi "Is this (i.e., Baba's form) the real gold or is that?"

"You are the treasure!" said Mahlsapathi.

"Then send the vessel back to her!", ordered Baba.

The vessel was promptly returned to the palanquin.

Who is the prince of givers and who the receiver?

(Source: Sai Baba the Master)

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