Tuesday, June 16, 2009



One day a certain devotee was pressing Baba's feet. Sai Baba suddenly ordered him to stop doing so. The devotee felt dejected and appealed to Baba, with tears in his eyes, to accept his service. But it was of no avail. At first he could not understand why Baba had so suddenly reacted like that. But on cool introspection, he realized that some unworthy thought had passed his mind just at that moment. Baba was only responding to that.

One Hardwar Bua came to Shirdi. He always used to sit near the pillar at the corner of the sacred fire in the Masjid. One day a girl sat at that place. Hardwar Bua came there and commanded her to get up and sat there. Baba flew into a rage and ordered all to clear out from the Masjid and to sit in the front yard. After some time Hardwar Bua again entered the Masjid and sat in his usual place. But Baba again drove him out. Then the Bua realized that Baba displeased with what he did to the girl. When everything belongs to God how can anyone claim anything as his own, including the sitting place?

There were occasional flashes of lighter moods in Baba. At such times, he used to play with his devotees. For instance, he used to hide the turban of a devotee like Tatya and enjoy the fun. Sometimes he put Tatya's turban on his own head, and used to mimic Tatya's manner and walk.

Again, when Mahalsapathi was alone with him, Baba used to press Mahlsapathi's feet! When the latter protested, Baba used to say "Don't mind this. We are the same. People might say great things of me. But I am no such."

(Source: Sai Baba the Master)

Our heart looking for Baba's Grace; yet no results – Why ?

Our heart wants to love; yet we hate

Our heart wants to understand; yet we are confused

Our heart wants equality; yet we try to dominate one another

Our heart wants peace; yet we fight

Our heart wants to give; yet we are greedy

Our heart wants to help; yet we destroy

Our heart wants to care; yet we are insensitive - hence

Our ultimate salvation is far away

If we keep Baba in our heart and

Lead life as per our heart's direction

Our attitudes determine our altitude!

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