Friday, June 12, 2009



In December 1910, one day Dixit and Nana Chandorkar persuaded their friend Sahasrabudhe to go for the darshan of Baba. On the way, a gentleman met him at Kopergaon and said of Baba, "I know that mad fakir well". Sahasrabudhe was in doubt whether the remark was indeed true. When he reached Shirdi, and bowed to Baba, the latter said, "You must bow down to Noolkar and to Bapusaheb Jog; that does not lower us in anywise." When he did accordingly, Baba told him to serve Noolkar whole-heartedly. He went on repeating the same words. Sahasrabudhe then requested Noolkar to tell him what service he would render him. Noolkar was embarrassed and said, "Whatever Baba might have told to you, please do not tease me like this." Replied Sahasrabudhe, "But tell me whether you have some hidden powers." Noolkar denied any such. Then Sahasrabudhe asked Baba repeatedly what he meant in ordering him to serve Noolkar.

At last, Baba said, "Experience is not for bullocks (like you). Only he who knows can receive it". Sahasrabudhe concluded that there is some hidden truth in Baba's words and decided not to leave Shirdi before knowing it. "All right!" said Baba, answering his unspoken thought. Later Shama asked Baba, "When will you give leave to Sahabudhe to go home?" Baba brusquely replied, "I've things to work out with him. Let him stay here like a dog."

On another occasion Baba said to Noolkar, "He is my fellow. He has none beside me as his own." These words came true shortly after. Noolkar fell ill and he decided not to leave Shirdi till he got well. After one year he passed away in March. Sahasrabudhe had to serve Noolkar in his last days. How prophetic were Baba's words.

One day a thought arose in Sahasrabudhe's mind. "While the scriptures proclaim that a guru makes his disciple like himself, why does not Baba make me like Him?" This thought recurred to him again and again for three days. Finally Baba said to Shama, pointing at Sahasrabudhe, "This fellow wants to drive me out of my seat and occupy it himself. But it needs a lot of patience." No one except Sahasrabudhe knew that Baba was responding to an unuttered thought.

In December 1910, a little before his death, Noolkar said to Sahasrabudhe, "Sai didn't want me to suffer in my last days. So he has brought you here to serve me."

Sometime before his demise Noolkar wanted to go home. Baba at first gave him leave but soon called him back and said, "Cremate that fellow in Lendi bagh and go". No one understood whom he meant. Even Mahlsapathy could only say that a calamity was impending for Noolkar. Indeed as per Noolkar's last wish he was cremated in Lendi bagh. When Baba spoke the above words, the `him', he meant Noolkar's physical body. For, in truth, man is a deathless spirit and only the body is mortal and needs to be cremated. It was also an assurance that he i.e., Noolkar, the spirit, would shuffle off his body in complete awareness before leaving for his spiritual home. In fact Noolkar passed away in full awareness, with his mind concentrated on Baba and after Sahasrabudhe had poured the holy washing of Baba's feet in his mouth.

(Source: Sai Baba the Master)

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