Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Don't rely on doctor's words


Srimati Chandrabai Borkar is one among the few ardent devotees who had the fortune of serving Baba during his lifetime. She first had the darshan of Baba about the year 1898. She told in her interview with Sri B.V. Narasimha Swami that she was a direct witness to some of Baba's leelas, such as `lighting of the lamps with water' and `sleeping on the wooden plank hung with rags'.

Baba used to call her affectionately `Bai' and used to say that she had been his sister for seven births. She preserved one of the sacred teeth of Baba as a talisman. Impressed with her devotion, Baba granted her the wish in her heart even without her expressing it to him, by blessing her with a child. Reconciled as she was to being childless, she gave birth to a boy - as predicted by Baba - at the age of fifty. Even though Dr. Purandhre told her that it was a tumor and not a baby that was in her womb, pinning her faith on the word of Baba she ignored the doctors' advice to have an operation to remove the `tumor'. The doctors were amazed when she gave birth to a boy after nine months and both the mother and the child were in good health.

Thanks to the warm benevolence of Baba, She became the mother of a baby at the age of fifty, making the doctors' faces pale and their words stale.

Baba used to come to her rescue the moment she called out for him with all her heart, whether in Shirdi or elsewhere. As this lady was serving Baba in Shirdi, Sai saved her husband, Sri Ramachandra Borkar - an atheist - on many occasions. Once, when he was down with a severe fever and slipping into danger, Baba appeared in Chandrabai's dreams and said to her, "Do not worry! Give him udi and he will start sweating profusely and the fever will come down." Exactly as Baba told, his fever vanished in no time.

(Source: Saipadham Magazine)

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