Monday, September 14, 2009




Baba said, "If you spread your palms with devotion before Me, I am immediately with you, day and night. Though, I am here bodily, still I know what you do; beyond the saven seas. Go wherever you will, over the wide world, I am with you" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XV.


In a hospital, in France, there were two persons about to pass away. One of them was the world famous author, Voltaire. There he lay on his death-bed: around him were doctors and nurses doing their best for him. They found agony writ on his face. His cries were pathetic, "What will happen to me now? I see nothing but darkness before me!" Voltaire had written many books but he had not established a link of love and devotion with God. In the moment of death, he felt lonely and lost.


In the same hospital, in another room, lay a little girl. She was but twelve years of age. She, too, was about to die, but she was happy, calm and peaceful. Her face was wreathed in smiles. The doctors and the nurses wondered at her serenity, as they thought of the great man in the other room in the throes of fear. They said to her, "Little one! You know you are about to die and yet you keep on smiling. Are you not afraid of death?"


The little girl, in her childlike, innocent way, said, "Why need I be afraid of death? My Beloved Jesus is here, standing in front of me with outstretched arms. He says to me, "My child, come unto Me!"


The little girl had established a link of love and devotion with Jesus. She was not afraid of death. As she passed away, on her lips was a song:


"The Beloved is near:

I have no fear!

Whither? He knows best!"


Whither will He take me? He knows best. I only know that whatever He takes me, He will keep me close to Himself, and that is all I need. In Him is peace and joy, the peace that passeth understanding, the joy that no ending knows!

Yahoo! India has a new look. Take a sneak peek.

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