Friday, September 18, 2009




Baba said, "Stay, cast off your anxiety, your sufferings have come to an end. However, oppressed and troubled one may be as soon as he steps into the Masjid, he is on the pathway to happiness" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XIII.


Saint Francis is on his bed of sickness. His body is broken, through and through, with illness and pain: his sickness is incurable.


One of his dear ones asks the Saint, "Master, which is more painful, your illness or martyrdom?"


The Saint answers, "The pain that one suffers in three days of this illness is equal to that of martyrdom."


The Saint had suffered such agonizing pain for several days! But he knows that God is with him, has always been with him, and will always be with him. God has been nearer to him in illness and pain than He was when Francis was healthy and strong. Therefore is illness dear to the heart of the Saint.


One day, he hears the Voice of God say to him, "Francis, my child! Long have you suffered? Your body is reduced to a bag of bones. Tell me if all the rivers and seas, the hills and mountains of the earth were made of gold and diamonds, and if you were offered all that treasure and much more in place of your suffering, would you not accept it and be filled with joy?"


Quietly answered Francis, "Lord, I am not worthy of such a treasure."


And the Voice said to him, "My child, such is the treasure that I have in store for thee. It is the treasure of the Life Eternal. Thy suffering and pain are a pledge of that treasure!"


Francis hears these words and rejoices.



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