Friday, September 18, 2009




Baba said, "When their merits and demerits balance each other, they are born on earth as human beings, and are given a chance to work out their salvation. Ultimately when their merits and demerits both drop down (are got rid of) completely, they get their deliverance and become free. To put the matter in a nutshell, souls get their births or transmigrations according to their deeds and intelligence (development of their minds)" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. VIII.


Chuang Tzu had lost his wife. On getting the news, his friend, Hui Tzu, reached to the former's residence to offer condolences. Imagine his astonishment, when he found Chuang Tzu drumming on an inverted bowl and singing a song!


"What a shame!" Hui Tzu exclaimed. "After all, she was your wife. She cooked for you, she served you when you were ill, she brought up your children, and she ministered to your needs these many long years. That you should not weep at her passing away is bad enough. But you should be drumming and singing songs – surely that is exceeding the limits!"


Chuang Tzu smiled, then said, "When my beloved wife died, I was plunged into deep sorrow and my eyes were touched with tears. But soon I realized that every manifested thing has a beginning and an end. Whatever lived must die. This is the supreme law of nature. If a person is tired and lies down to rest, would it not be foolish to disturb him with loud lamentations? My dearly loved wife has but retired to the Inner Chamber to sleep for a while. There she awaits my coming. Why must I disturb her peace with shouting and bawling? To do so would be to show that I know nothing of nature's supreme laws."

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