Saturday, September 5, 2009




George Washington and Peter Miller were school-mates as well as good friends. One became the first President of the United States; the other became a preacher, a man of God.


A man named Michael Wittman developed a strong hostility towards the preacher. He persecuted Peter Miller and troubled him in several ways.


All of a sudden, it came to pass that Wittman was implicated in a charge of treason, and was sentenced to death.


Miller walked seventy miles to Philadelphia to meet his old school-friend, who was not the President of the country. Washington greeted him warmly. "Well, Peter, what can I do for you?" he asked affably.


"For the sake of our old acquaintance George, I have come to beg the life of Wittman."


"No, Peter! Ask for something else," said Washington firmly. "His case is too black. I'm sorry I cannot spare the life of your friend."


"My friend!" exclaimed Miller. "He is the bitterest enemy any man ever had!" And he proceeded to describe in detail, what he had suffered at the hands of Wittman for over twenty years.


As Washington heard the story of his friend's persecution, he said, "Ah then, Peter, this puts another aspect upon the matter! You are pleading for the life, not of a friend; you're your bitterest enemy! Surely this is not the work of a man, it is something divine. I can refuse man, but I cannot refuse God. I will freely pardon your enemy."


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