Saturday, September 19, 2009




Baba said, "Wealth and prosperity are transient and the body is subject to decay and death. Knowing this, do your duty, leaving all attachment to the things of this world and next. He who does this and surrenders himself to the Feet of Hari (Lord) will get free from all troubles and attain bliss" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XXXI.


Bahram was a wealthy merchant. Hs caravans carried for sale in foreign lands, goods worth lakhs of rupees, every year. One day, his caravans were looted by robbers, Bahram lost several lakhs.


One of his friends came to sympathise with him in his great loss. It was a time of famine. Bahram thought his friend had come in the hope of getting a meal. Bahram asked the servant to serve meals. But the friend said, "I am not in need of a meal. I came to sympathise with you in your loss."


And Bahram said, "It is kind of you to have come. But I am not worrying over what has happened. I feel grateful to God that though the robbers looted my goods, I have looted none! The robbers have robbed a portion of my perishable wealth: but they have not touched the Treasure Imperishable, the Treasure of faith in Allah, the Compassionate. It is the true Treasure of life!"


Trials and tribulations draw out the best is in you. Do not run away from them, but greet them as friends. They will not sting you.  They will lead you from success to greater success.

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