Saturday, September 19, 2009




Baba said, "My abode is in your heart and I am within you. Always worship Me, Who is seated in your heart" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XV.


Madam Guyon was one of the most beautiful young women of her town. Even as a little girl, her heart was filled with the love of God. She did not know where to find Him.


As she grew up, she went into society and, for some years, lived a worldly life. Her marriage was an unhappy one. The yearning for God, which slumbered within her heart, woke up again. She was built to love: she had a sweet, gentle, tender heart. Not receiving what she expected from her husband, she turned her attention to God, whom she had neither seen nor heard nor touched.


This unhappy, fashionable woman went out in quest. She sought for Him here, there, everywhere, but could find Him not! She realised that God is found by those to whom He reveals Himself. The true approach to God is, therefore, by the way of simplicity.


One day, there came to her town a holy man. She met him and placed before him all her difficulties. He was a man of few words. To her, he said, "Madam, accustom yourself to seek God in your won heart, and you will find Him!" The words pierced her heart as an arrow: and she was wounded with a wound whose healing lies in a vision of the Beloved. She herself describes her state in words which are so beautiful:


"I felt in this moment," she says, "a profound wound which was full of delight, of love, a wound so sweet that I desired that it might never heal. These words had put into my heart that which I sought for so many years or, rather, they caused me to find that which was there. O, my Lord, You were within my heart, and You asked of me only that I should return within, in order that I might feel Your presence. O Infinite Goodness, You were so near, and I, running here and there to seek You, found You not!"


From that day onwards, she gives up "running here and there." She gives up her "practices" and "exercises." She has found her "centre", and for her all wandering ceases. She quietly surrenders herself to the Lord; she finds Him within her heart!





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