Sunday, September 6, 2009




Baba said, "I do not need any paraphernalia of worship - either eight-fold or sixteen-fold. I rest there where there is full devotion" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XIII.


There is the story of a labourer who attended the evening worship (aarti) at the temple, every day.


One evening, he was detained at his place of work, and when the aarti time approached, he rushed to the temple so that he might not miss his daily appointment with the Lord. As he arrived at the temple, he found the pujari coming out of the gate.


"Is the aarti over?" he asked.


"Yes," answered the pujari, "it's just over!"


"Ah!" came the anguished sigh of disappointment.


The pujari said to him, "Will you give me your sigh in exchange for the merit of the evening worship?"


"Gladly," answered the labourer, for he had never wished to miss the evening worship.


That night, he had a dream. He saw the Lord – Sri Krishna – who said to him. "You struck a bad bargain, this evening. Your simple exclamation was more precious that all the aartis put together performed by the pujari during his entire life! The yearning of a true devotee's heart is dearer to Me than all external forms of worship."


Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

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