Thursday, September 17, 2009





Baba said, "You are really My Mother and I am your child. Take pity on Me and hear Me through" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XVIII & XIX.


A mother of many children, as she attended to her domestic chores, kept the children busy with toys and sweets. For a while, the children were happy.


Suddenly, they remembered their mother and began to cry. She brought them a new set of playthings and candies and, for the time being, the thought of the mother faded away from their minds.


The process was repeated several times until one child cried out of the depths of his yearning heart, "Mother! I do not want toys. I have need of you." He cried: he shed tears: he was disconsolate with grief.


Leaving all her duties, the mother came to him and seated him in her lap.


God is Divine Mother. We are satisfied with the playthings and candies She gives us - wealth, possessions, creature-comforts, sense-pleasure, social prestige, name, fame, earthly greatness and glory. We have no need of God.


Some there are to whom the enjoyment of these things appear tasteless. They take no delight in the things and objects of the world. Their hearts, grief stricken for a vision of God, cry out, again and again, "I have need of You!" To them God comes and reveals Herself.

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