Wednesday, September 23, 2009




Baba said, "God does not like big subscriptions and donations collected against the wishes of the donors, but He likes ever trifling amounts given with love, devotion and appreciation" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch.. XLVII


A King built a Cathjedral in the middle ages. Many came forward with their contributions. A poor widow had nothing to give. There were a few worn out mats spread on the follor of her cottage. As bullock carts, carrying marble for the temple, passed by her cottage, she fed the bullocks with strands of straw which she pulled out of her mat and breathed out the prayer, "Lord, this be my humble offering towards the building of Your temple."


When the Cathedral was ready, a holy man came to consecrate it. He said, "Last night, I had a dream. In the dream I heard a Voice say, tell the people that the great Cathedral has been built not by the king but by the poor widow who dwells by the side of the road leading to the Cathedral."


The king was mystified. How could a poor widow build a huge Cathedral? The widow was called for and asked what her contribution had been.


"Nothing," answered the widow. "All I did was to give bits of straw to the bullocks that carried the marble for the Cathedral."


The Lord asks of us not big things but little offerings made to Him in devotion and love.


Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai



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Sunday, September 20, 2009




Anger is a passion which burns up brotherhood, friendship, social solidarity, spiritual fellowship. Muhammad's great disciple, Ali, was once insulted. Ali bore the insults for a long time; but he lost patience, at last: then Ali returned tit for tat! Muhammad, who was present all the time, got up and walked away, leaving Ali and his opponent to themselves. Meeting Muhammad in the evening, Ali said: "Master! Why did you go away when you saw that I was being insulted? Why did you leave me in the lurch?"


Quietly answered the Prophet: "O my friend! That man who insulted you was, indeed, rude and cruel: and I was happy to see that you were silent. I saw that there were, at that time, ten angels keeping guard over you and blessing you. But as soon as the angels saw that you gave tit for tat, they left you, and I, too, came away."


Ali lost his purity: Ali defiled his mind and his mouth. Every one of the senses must be kept pure: the eye, the vak (voice, speech), and the prana (breath) must be kept pure. If we control speech only but not the vibration of prana, we get bad dreams. To be pure, so train yourself in the school of brahmacharya that your dream state, your sub-conscious life may also be pure. Therefore repeat "Om" or "Hare Ram" or any other "Guru Mantra" as often as you can, by day and by night. Men of prayer can achieve much, because prayer, repetition of Om or Guru Mantra, purifies the prana.


Purify, also, the sense of "hearing" and the sense of touch and taste. Purify, too, your mind and heart.


India cannot be truly great if Indians squander their bala or bodily vigour. Religion must build up strength. Don't squander your life-force! Develop your vigour and use in it the service of man. So may you be as the light gay grass, humble yet strong. So purified you may see the Beauty of Nature and the Truth of God. Blessed are the pure: for they are the builders of the Race.









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Saturday, September 19, 2009




Baba said, "My abode is in your heart and I am within you. Always worship Me, Who is seated in your heart" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XV.


Madam Guyon was one of the most beautiful young women of her town. Even as a little girl, her heart was filled with the love of God. She did not know where to find Him.


As she grew up, she went into society and, for some years, lived a worldly life. Her marriage was an unhappy one. The yearning for God, which slumbered within her heart, woke up again. She was built to love: she had a sweet, gentle, tender heart. Not receiving what she expected from her husband, she turned her attention to God, whom she had neither seen nor heard nor touched.


This unhappy, fashionable woman went out in quest. She sought for Him here, there, everywhere, but could find Him not! She realised that God is found by those to whom He reveals Himself. The true approach to God is, therefore, by the way of simplicity.


One day, there came to her town a holy man. She met him and placed before him all her difficulties. He was a man of few words. To her, he said, "Madam, accustom yourself to seek God in your won heart, and you will find Him!" The words pierced her heart as an arrow: and she was wounded with a wound whose healing lies in a vision of the Beloved. She herself describes her state in words which are so beautiful:


"I felt in this moment," she says, "a profound wound which was full of delight, of love, a wound so sweet that I desired that it might never heal. These words had put into my heart that which I sought for so many years or, rather, they caused me to find that which was there. O, my Lord, You were within my heart, and You asked of me only that I should return within, in order that I might feel Your presence. O Infinite Goodness, You were so near, and I, running here and there to seek You, found You not!"


From that day onwards, she gives up "running here and there." She gives up her "practices" and "exercises." She has found her "centre", and for her all wandering ceases. She quietly surrenders herself to the Lord; she finds Him within her heart!





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Baba said, "Wealth and prosperity are transient and the body is subject to decay and death. Knowing this, do your duty, leaving all attachment to the things of this world and next. He who does this and surrenders himself to the Feet of Hari (Lord) will get free from all troubles and attain bliss" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XXXI.


Bahram was a wealthy merchant. Hs caravans carried for sale in foreign lands, goods worth lakhs of rupees, every year. One day, his caravans were looted by robbers, Bahram lost several lakhs.


One of his friends came to sympathise with him in his great loss. It was a time of famine. Bahram thought his friend had come in the hope of getting a meal. Bahram asked the servant to serve meals. But the friend said, "I am not in need of a meal. I came to sympathise with you in your loss."


And Bahram said, "It is kind of you to have come. But I am not worrying over what has happened. I feel grateful to God that though the robbers looted my goods, I have looted none! The robbers have robbed a portion of my perishable wealth: but they have not touched the Treasure Imperishable, the Treasure of faith in Allah, the Compassionate. It is the true Treasure of life!"


Trials and tribulations draw out the best is in you. Do not run away from them, but greet them as friends. They will not sting you.  They will lead you from success to greater success.




A poor, old man went about planting mango trees.


Someone said to him, "Why are you planting trees at your age? Surely, you will not live to eat their fruit!"


Quietly, answered the old man, "I have eaten mangoes grown from trees planted by others. Let my tree yield mangoes to those who live after I am gone!"


We live in a wonderful universe in which everyone, everything gives. The trees give; the river gives; the earth gives; the sun, the moon and the stars give. Why then, must thou, O man, be anxious to take, to receive, to amass, to gather, to hoard, and not to scatter?


Everyone – howsoever poor he be, can give something. He can give a loving thought, a sweet word, a radiant smile, a moving song, a helping hand, which may bring comfort to a broken heart. More than money, the world needs love and sympathy.


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Friday, September 18, 2009




Baba said, "When their merits and demerits balance each other, they are born on earth as human beings, and are given a chance to work out their salvation. Ultimately when their merits and demerits both drop down (are got rid of) completely, they get their deliverance and become free. To put the matter in a nutshell, souls get their births or transmigrations according to their deeds and intelligence (development of their minds)" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. VIII.


Chuang Tzu had lost his wife. On getting the news, his friend, Hui Tzu, reached to the former's residence to offer condolences. Imagine his astonishment, when he found Chuang Tzu drumming on an inverted bowl and singing a song!


"What a shame!" Hui Tzu exclaimed. "After all, she was your wife. She cooked for you, she served you when you were ill, she brought up your children, and she ministered to your needs these many long years. That you should not weep at her passing away is bad enough. But you should be drumming and singing songs – surely that is exceeding the limits!"


Chuang Tzu smiled, then said, "When my beloved wife died, I was plunged into deep sorrow and my eyes were touched with tears. But soon I realized that every manifested thing has a beginning and an end. Whatever lived must die. This is the supreme law of nature. If a person is tired and lies down to rest, would it not be foolish to disturb him with loud lamentations? My dearly loved wife has but retired to the Inner Chamber to sleep for a while. There she awaits my coming. Why must I disturb her peace with shouting and bawling? To do so would be to show that I know nothing of nature's supreme laws."

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Baba said, "Stay, cast off your anxiety, your sufferings have come to an end. However, oppressed and troubled one may be as soon as he steps into the Masjid, he is on the pathway to happiness" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XIII.


Saint Francis is on his bed of sickness. His body is broken, through and through, with illness and pain: his sickness is incurable.


One of his dear ones asks the Saint, "Master, which is more painful, your illness or martyrdom?"


The Saint answers, "The pain that one suffers in three days of this illness is equal to that of martyrdom."


The Saint had suffered such agonizing pain for several days! But he knows that God is with him, has always been with him, and will always be with him. God has been nearer to him in illness and pain than He was when Francis was healthy and strong. Therefore is illness dear to the heart of the Saint.


One day, he hears the Voice of God say to him, "Francis, my child! Long have you suffered? Your body is reduced to a bag of bones. Tell me if all the rivers and seas, the hills and mountains of the earth were made of gold and diamonds, and if you were offered all that treasure and much more in place of your suffering, would you not accept it and be filled with joy?"


Quietly answered Francis, "Lord, I am not worthy of such a treasure."


And the Voice said to him, "My child, such is the treasure that I have in store for thee. It is the treasure of the Life Eternal. Thy suffering and pain are a pledge of that treasure!"


Francis hears these words and rejoices.



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Thursday, September 17, 2009





Baba said, "You are really My Mother and I am your child. Take pity on Me and hear Me through" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XVIII & XIX.


A mother of many children, as she attended to her domestic chores, kept the children busy with toys and sweets. For a while, the children were happy.


Suddenly, they remembered their mother and began to cry. She brought them a new set of playthings and candies and, for the time being, the thought of the mother faded away from their minds.


The process was repeated several times until one child cried out of the depths of his yearning heart, "Mother! I do not want toys. I have need of you." He cried: he shed tears: he was disconsolate with grief.


Leaving all her duties, the mother came to him and seated him in her lap.


God is Divine Mother. We are satisfied with the playthings and candies She gives us - wealth, possessions, creature-comforts, sense-pleasure, social prestige, name, fame, earthly greatness and glory. We have no need of God.


Some there are to whom the enjoyment of these things appear tasteless. They take no delight in the things and objects of the world. Their hearts, grief stricken for a vision of God, cry out, again and again, "I have need of You!" To them God comes and reveals Herself.

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Monday, September 14, 2009




Baba said, "If you spread your palms with devotion before Me, I am immediately with you, day and night. Though, I am here bodily, still I know what you do; beyond the saven seas. Go wherever you will, over the wide world, I am with you" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XV.


In a hospital, in France, there were two persons about to pass away. One of them was the world famous author, Voltaire. There he lay on his death-bed: around him were doctors and nurses doing their best for him. They found agony writ on his face. His cries were pathetic, "What will happen to me now? I see nothing but darkness before me!" Voltaire had written many books but he had not established a link of love and devotion with God. In the moment of death, he felt lonely and lost.


In the same hospital, in another room, lay a little girl. She was but twelve years of age. She, too, was about to die, but she was happy, calm and peaceful. Her face was wreathed in smiles. The doctors and the nurses wondered at her serenity, as they thought of the great man in the other room in the throes of fear. They said to her, "Little one! You know you are about to die and yet you keep on smiling. Are you not afraid of death?"


The little girl, in her childlike, innocent way, said, "Why need I be afraid of death? My Beloved Jesus is here, standing in front of me with outstretched arms. He says to me, "My child, come unto Me!"


The little girl had established a link of love and devotion with Jesus. She was not afraid of death. As she passed away, on her lips was a song:


"The Beloved is near:

I have no fear!

Whither? He knows best!"


Whither will He take me? He knows best. I only know that whatever He takes me, He will keep me close to Himself, and that is all I need. In Him is peace and joy, the peace that passeth understanding, the joy that no ending knows!

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Friday, September 11, 2009




Baba said, "Catharsis from (Purging away of) sins. Unless a man has turned away from wickedness, and stopped from doing wrong, and has entirely composed himself and unless his mind is at rest, he cannot gain self-realization, even by means of knowledge" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XVI & XVII.


An old man, who lived all alone in his house, complained to his neighbour woman that his eyesight had grown weak and that, as he looked out from his window, he could not see the beauty of the outside world.


The woman found that the window panes were covered with dust and dirt. She cleansed them with soap and water.


The old man was delighted to find that he could see as clearly as ever.


"It was not that your eyesight had grown dim," the woman said to him; "you allowed your windows to get dirty."


May we never allow the windows of our soul to get dirty – we shall never lose sight of God and we shall kindle little lights of love and service, wherever we go.



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Thank You God

In all conditions and circumstances,

in all incidents and accidents of life,

lift up your heart and pray:


Thank you God!

Thank you God!


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Sunday, September 6, 2009




Baba said, "I do not need any paraphernalia of worship - either eight-fold or sixteen-fold. I rest there where there is full devotion" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XIII.


There is the story of a labourer who attended the evening worship (aarti) at the temple, every day.


One evening, he was detained at his place of work, and when the aarti time approached, he rushed to the temple so that he might not miss his daily appointment with the Lord. As he arrived at the temple, he found the pujari coming out of the gate.


"Is the aarti over?" he asked.


"Yes," answered the pujari, "it's just over!"


"Ah!" came the anguished sigh of disappointment.


The pujari said to him, "Will you give me your sigh in exchange for the merit of the evening worship?"


"Gladly," answered the labourer, for he had never wished to miss the evening worship.


That night, he had a dream. He saw the Lord – Sri Krishna – who said to him. "You struck a bad bargain, this evening. Your simple exclamation was more precious that all the aartis put together performed by the pujari during his entire life! The yearning of a true devotee's heart is dearer to Me than all external forms of worship."


Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai


Baba said, "Relying on your own cleverness you missed your way" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XXXII.


Sang Kancil, an intelligent mouse-deer was known for his cunning and wit. Several times he outwitted the big, bad crocodile, Sang Buaya.

Sang Kancil's home was full of trees and food and so Sang Kancil had no trouble finding food when he was hungry. Sang Kancil spent his days running and jumping, and his favourite pastime was to look at his own reflection in the river.

Sang Buaya, a crocodile, and a few other crocodiles lived in the river and were waiting for a chance to have Sang Kancil for dinner. One day, as Sang Kancil was walking by the riverside, he saw red, ripe fruits hanging on the trees across the river. Sang Kancil wanted to taste the delicious looking fruits because he was getting tired of eating only leaves on his side of the river. He walked to the riverbank and thought hard how to cross the river with Sang Buaya waiting for him at the bottom of the river.

Sang Kancil thought and thought and suddenly an idea came to him. He called out to Sang Buaya, "Sang Buaya! Sang Buaya!" Slowly Sang Buaya emerged from the water. "What is it, Sang Kancil? Why are you shouting my name? Aren't you afraid that I would grab you and have you for dinner?" asked Sang Buaya, opening his big mouth.

"Of course I am afraid but I have a mission to do. The King has ordered me to count the crocodiles in the river. He is having a feast and all of you are invited to attend. There will be plenty of food, but first I need to count how many of you are here. So would you please ask your fellow crocodiles to line up across the river so that I can count you up?" said Sang Kancil.

Sang Buaya was excited. He gathered all the crocodiles in the river and told them about the feast. Soon all the crocodiles made a line across the river. "Don't try to eat me while I am counting. Otherwise I would not be able to report to the King," warned Sang Kancil. "We won't eat you," the crocodiles promised.

Sang Kancil stepped on top of Sang Buaya's head and counted one. When he came to the second crocodile, Sang Kancil counted two and so to the rest of the line until he reached to the other side of the river. Sang Kancil turned to Sang Buaya and said, "Thank you, Sang Buaya for helping me to cross the river. This is my new home."

"What do you mean? You tricked us to help you cross the river?" shouted Sang Buaya. He was shocked. "There isn't any feast, is there?" The other crocodiles looked at Sang Buaya angrily. They knew they had been tricked.

After that, Sang Kancil lived happily in his new home and had plenty of tasty fruits and green leaves to eat. Sang Buaya, however, was ignored by the other crocodiles because of his foolishness.
Beware the environment revolving around you and seek His guidance to make your way safe and secure.