Tuesday, December 16, 2008



With Baba's guidance, Nana developed so much of reverence for the female form that even when alone in a sequestered chamber, within closed doors with a young, beautiful person, he still would retainreverence for the lady and not have thoughts of sex. This was demonstrated in the case of Bannu Mayi.

Bannu Mayi (a young Muslim girl of 20) lived in a village, Bodegaom, 50 miles away from Ahmednagar, and she had the local reputation of being a mad girl. She was possessed of great beauty. She behaved most erratically and wandered anywhere and everywhere without dress amidst bushed and thorns and did not show the least sign of observing the rules of propriety demanded of women. Her mother thought she was hopelessly mad. So also thought most of the villagers.

But a few had noted that her conduct showed that she was highly inspired and that she was a saint. Nana wanted to take darsan of her and asked Baba for permission. Baba, though he first objected, finally granted the permission saying, ''Go, you will have darsan." That darsan was no easy joke. Nana went with plenty of preparations, taking a tent, bathing materials, ornaments, food, Sari (dress) etc., and setting these up, was waiting for her. He could not find out where she was, and nobody could tell him anything about her. Some people even got angry at Nana, a young officer questioning about whereabouts of a lady who mostly went naked. Then finally, worried in his mind, Nana thought of Baba and prayed to him. When he opened his eyes, Bannu Mayi was right in front of him on the road. He made his prostration (namaskar) with a feeling of reverence and without the least touch of the sexual urge. He began to take out the thorns that were found on her feet, but in a second, the saint, who did not care for such good offices, got up and went away.

Again Nana was in great difficulties. He wanted that she should come, have a bath, wear the cloth and the ornaments he had brought for her, and should taste the naivedya which he had placed inside the tent. He waited and waited and at last prayed to Baba. Suddenly Bannu Mayi appeared, entered the tent, had her bath, put new cloths, the ornaments and the tali or token of Saumangalya (as Goddess Parvati must wear a tali) specially prepared for her, and ate some of the naivedya. Nana fell at her feet, treating her as Mother Goddess, and at once she disappeared.

Nana spent the night in a temple within closed doors, and early morning, before starting to go away, he just thought that it would be a special blessing if Bannu Mayi should give him one more darsan before he departed. In a second, Bannu Mayi was somehow there within closed doors right in front of him. Nana fell at her feet.

Obviously Bannu Mayi was a highly advanced Siddha and perfectly pure, and Nana with perfect purity, through only of falling at her feet, and had not the least touch of sex urge at the presence of young andbeautiful lady in solitude within closed doors. This, Bannu Mayi's case is a fairly good proof that Nana had conquered his sex urge at least to the extreme possible.

Courtesy: HH Pujyasri B. V. Narasimha Swamiji

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