Saturday, December 13, 2008



Baba said, "Maya will lash or whip him, who forgets Me" in Sri Sai Satcharitra Chapter III.

One should always avoid evil company and take to the company of the virtuous. The company of those whose entire outlook is worldly is very harmful. To say nothing of living things, even the associationof lifeless objects, which tempt the mind and attract the senses, should be given up.

One should never utter even by mistake, nor hear anything in opposition to God. It is the greatest sin to utter or hear such words.

Freeing the mind from the feelings of attraction and repulsion, one should enjoy objects of pleasure through the senses dispassionately and not with the feeling of love and hatred, nor as a slave of thesenses, making them your slaves, rather than be a slave to them and carry out their orders.

The greatest obstacle in the path of an aspirant is the desire for fame. It is easy to renounce the attraction for wealth or woman, but it is exceedingly difficult to renounce the attraction for fame.

The seat of happiness is your mind. Happiness does not lie in any action or particular object. If the mind is peaceful, you are happy; otherwise there is misery and misery alone. To attain peace of mind it is necessary to renounce all worldly desires.

Courtesy: Sri Hanumanprasad Poddar in Wavelets of Bliss.

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