Tuesday, November 4, 2008



One day I had a talk with my close relative, who is now ardent devotee of Sri Raghavendra Swamiji. Our talk goes on to the saints and I elaborated on greatness of Baba. To my surprise, he knew pretty well about Baba and was a devotee of Baba. He progressed gradually on Baba devotion and started to read Sri Sai Satcharita. At very beginning, just after the commencement of Sri Sai Satcharita parayana, he met with an accident at his work place and admitted in a hospital for his bone fracture and wounds. He connected this event with Satcharita parayana and discontinued reading. This news created few questions in my mind. Is there really any relationship with parayana and that accident? Is the devotee misunderstood Baba's test for his faith and devotion?

For a common man with worldly objects, the answer is very simple? His reasoning ability is limited and resulting answers are not acceptable to us. Even after complete reading of Sri Sai Satcharita first time,I could understand very little about Baba. Each time while repeatedly readings, Baba blessed me to understand several new meanings, new philosophies, spiritual updates and offering successful solutions on my day to day problems.

Baba Himself encouraged holy books parayana during the time of distress. Hence there is absolutely no relationship with the accident of a devotee and parayana, in fact he failed to understand Baba's help while karma is acting against him, in fact, otherwise it could have been a major disaster and Baba saved his life.

It is to be noted here that doubts and difficulties surround us, just to move us and confirm our faith. We are tested as it were. If we only hold on steadily to Baba, with full faith, and continue our endeavours, our efforts will be ultimately crowned with success. (SSS Ch.XXIX). At least one complete parayana is required to understand the ways of Baba. Unless a devotee practically understands Baba's two paise dakshina, Nistha and Saburi, he will have indifferent attitude towards devotion and difficulties. A true devotee will not differentiate difficulties and comforts in his life, for him all are same, as he had already submitted his body and soul to Sri Sai Baba. He is mere a witness to all the happenings in his life. Let us take the example of R.B. Purandhare, he is a simple devotee without having any high ambitions in his life. Even though he is struggling to maintain his big family with his Rs.35 p.m. salary, he never asked Baba about his worldly comforts. Baba wanted him to have a own bungalow, but he continuously neglected Baba's wish. Baba persuaded him through Bade Baba, Nana Saheb Chandorkar, but in vain. FinallyBaba punished him with neurological headache. Unbearing his physical pain, Purandhare took rapid action and constructed his bungalow in very short period and got relief from the pain. Even with unbearable neurological headache, a true devotee like Purandhare never hate Baba, in fact his love increased. Physical pain given by Baba is also a kind of blessing.

Bow to Sri Sai – Peace be to all.

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