Tuesday, November 4, 2008




Sri Narayan Ashram of Vaman Mutt Gangapuri, Wai is a cultured sanyasi who says, "a considerable and momentous advance in his spiritual condition was due to Sai Baba". While serving in the Customs Department in 1910, he approached Baba. But within few years, Baba noted that he was after higher things than worldly welfare and "graciously conveyed" to him without any words, the feeling that differences between souls, nay all differences, were unreal, that the one Real Thing is that which underlies all. Baba did not speak out and express this in words. In fact Baba spoke to him very little.

Baba's influence, he says was mostly silent. Baba's touch was a potent factor in moulding those who came to him. "Baba had a way of touching (with his palm) the head of the devotee who went to him. Histouch conveyed certain impulse, forces, ideas etc., Sometimes he pressed his hand heavily on the head, as though he was crushing out some of the lower impulses of the devotee. Sometimes he tapped; sometimes he made a pass with the palm over the head etc. Each had its own effect making remarkable difference in the sensations or feelings of the devotee".


"Baba's touch was one means. Apart from that he would invisibly operate on the nature of the devotee and effect a great change in him". For this, immediate proximity was not necessary. Sri Narayan Ashram (then Mr. Toser) would go and sit even there; he was under Baba's direct influence.

Unfortunately, almost the whole lot that went to Baba wanted worldly benefit and had only poor, if any spiritual ambition. Hardly any was competent to receive the highest teachings. He evidently found noneto receive all that he could confer, and so none has succeeded to his position at Shirdi.

In case of Sri Narayan Ashram, Baba gave the first great push in Paramartha about 1914 and left him in charge of the departed, yet living soul of Vasudevananda Saraswathi (as all great souls are one) who is responsible for his present condition.

"Baba was pre-eminently practical", says Sri Narayan Ashram. "He just gave people a push to carry them a few steps beyond the level at the time of approaching him". Others will be there at the exact psychological moment to give the needed help and guidance at each level and stage.

(By HH Pujyasri B V Narasimha Swamiji)

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