Monday, November 17, 2008

Always consider your welfare

Baba said, "Always consider your interest and welfare" in Sri Sai Satcharitra Chapter X.

Whatever you do, do it as a service to God and for His sake. Feel that you are enjoying the highest favour of the all-merciful Lord. Rely completely on His grace; and, whatever be the result of your action, accept it most cheerfully as a dispensation of the all-blissful Lord.

Life is ebbing fast; every moment we are approaching death and very soon the sands of life will run out. Knowing this, keep yourself ever harnessed for the coming journey, disposing of all your worldly affairs. By harnessing oneself for the journey meant absolute renunciation of the attractions of the world and developing an intense longing to meet the Lord.

Live in this world as an actor in a drama; never be remiss in playing your part, nor should you ever claim anything as your own. Remissness in playing your part will constitute an act of disloyalty to your master, and to claim anything as your own will be dishonesty. Know this world to be a stage, but play the part allotted to you as earnestly as if the world were real.

Everyone has his good points as well as weak, and everyone is liable to error. If you start picking holes in another's work as soon as you see it, you will develop a very bad habit in course of time and you will begin to find fault even with the actions of the noblest type. The result will be that you will grow miserable yourself, and will make others miserable. Instead of this if you cultivate the habit of observing only the good points of others your outlook will become Sattvika. The cheerfulness of your mind will increase. Your will get peace. From this habit of observing only the good points of others and see happy you feel.

Do not seek other's errors; forget them if you happen to observe them, appreciate from the bottom of your heart their good motive, industry and devotion to work, and try to discover the good points in their work. You will become virtuous and good.

Courtesy: Sri Hanumanprasad Poddar in Wavelets of Bliss.

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