Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Divine Dews from Shri Sai Satcharitra

Divine Dews from Shri Sai Satcharitra

I am the Controller – the Wire-puller of the show of this universe (SSS Ch.III)

It is my special characteristic, that I always look to and provide for, the welfare of those devotees, who worship Me whole-heartedly with their mind ever fixed on Me. (SSS Ch.VI)

Sitting through five fires, sacrifices, chantings, eight-fold Yoga are possible for the Brahmins only, they are of no use to other classes. (SSS Ch.X)

For a greedy man there is no peace, neither contentment, nor steadiness. (SSS Ch.XVI & XVII)

Demolish the wall of difference that separates you from Me, and then the road for our meeting will be clear and open. (SSS Ch.XVIII & XIX)

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