Tuesday, November 18, 2008



Baba's company, Seva, example and help kept Mahlsapathy very high up in his spiritual level. He bore great love to Baba. When Baba passed away in 1918, he, on account of his attachment, declined all food and fasted for 13 days. Probably to prevent a shock, Baba had given him hints of his (Baba's) impending final departure.

It was Mahlsapathy's custom to spend all his time with Baba except when he went for his meal etc., Later Baba would send some one or other to fetch him from his house. Then he would light up chilm (i.e., smoking pipe), do odd jobs for Baba, and prepare Baba's bed, which was a very peculiar arrangement. Baba always kept his on an old brick (which is believed to be the brick given to him by Venkusa witha torn cloth). Madhav Fasle, a servant of Baba used to hand over the brick to Mahlsapathy every night and along with it, a tattered cloth (believed to be Venkusa's gift) to be placed over it and other clothsto be spread on the ground as bed for Baba. Mahlsapathy would first place the brick and then the tattered cloth, and then spread other cloths.

Ten or twelve days before 1918 Dassara, Madhav False, in handing over the brick, allowed it to slip down on the ground, and it broke into two. Then the broken pieces were placed as pillows for Baba. Baba asked `Who broke the brick?" Mahlsapathy mentioned that Madhav False broke the brick. Baba got very angry with Madhav and placed his hands on his own head and felt extremely sad. Baba said, `Sopat Tutali' i.e., the companion is broken. Next day, Kaka (H S Dixit) came and said there was no need to deplore the breaking, as he would join the pieces with silver joints. Baba said, "Even if you join them withgold, what is the use? This is brick is my Sobatya (companion) (evidently from his Selu days) and its breakage betokens evil."

From that time onwards Baba was dis-spirited. At least Mahlsapathy thought so. Baba, even before this, had given Mahlsapathy a hint. He told him once when he (Mahlsapathy) was preparing to light a lamp andfill up Baba's pipe, "Arre Bhagat, in a few days from this, I will be going somewhere. After that, you come at night for 2 or 4 years." This was not understood by Mahlsapathy. But Baba's spirit passed beyond our ken into AVYAKTA on 15th October 1918, and Mahlsapathy was able to do his nightly usual puja to Baba only for 2 or 4 years, for he passed away on 11-9-1922.

Courtesy: HH Pujyasri B. V. Narasimha Swamiji

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