Thursday, November 27, 2008



Nana's benefit in temporal matters from Baba was not merely for himself but also for the person connected with him. Baba who saved Nana from the pangs of hunger and thirst in hill and a forest would certainly not leave his disciple when his life was in danger.

See the Bhagavata verse below that, "He is no guru who does not save one's life". Such a juncture arrived one day when Nana and Lele Sastri were starting from Poona in a tonga. They had gone a few miles when suddenly the horse reared, and the carriage capsized. That was a perilous moment. Both the occupants of the carriage were corpulent elderly people who would in such an accident ordinarily suffer serious damage to life and limb, Sai Baba, however, who was watching over Nana wherever he went, at that very movement blew what is called `Bum-Bum', (the Conch sound-for at death people blow on the conch), keeping his hands in front of his mouth as though the hands were a conch. This is a signal of danger and distress. We shall give the account as it appears in the Gospel of Baba,

One day at Shirdi, Baba made the dolorous Sankha sound (indicative of coming death) and said "Hallo, Nana is about to die! will, I let him die?" At that time N. G. Chandorkar and Lele Sastri were near Poona. They were in a tonga the horse of which reared and overtured the tonga. N. G. Chandorkar and Sastri were in peril of their life. But they picked themselves up and found that they had suffered no injury. When they reached Shirdi, they found that Baba had made the above declaration and had saved their lives.

Gurur na sasyat Svajano na sasyat
Pita na sasyat Janani on saa syat
Daivam na sasyat Svapatir na sasyat
Na mochayet yas Samupeta mrityum

which means, "If a person does not save one's life, when it is threatened by Death, that person is not a Guru, a kinsman, a father, a mother, a god or a husband.

Thus Baba saved Nana's life, just as Baba's Guru saved Baba's life. There is a saying, i.e., that the string of a flower garland borrows its scent. Similarly Lele Sastri, who was not himself a staunch bhakta of Baba, derived his safety from his company with Nana Chandorkar.Baba on this occasion proved the truth of his statement. "If a devotee is about to fall, I stretch our my hands, and thus with four outstretched hands at a time, support him. I will not let him fall." This is Karavalambha.

(1) Na me bhaktah pranascyati i.e., My devotee shall not perish (BG IX-31)

(2) Tan Uddharishye ham achitat Apatbhyo now riva arnavat i.e., I quickly save them as a boat saves in the ocean. (SB XI (17)44.

It is not merely the friend of a devotee that Baba saves. Baba's interest is in every one in whom a devotee is interested

Courtesy: HH Pujyasri B. V. Narasimha Swamiji

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