Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wavelets of Bliss

Baba said, "If anyone does any evil unto you, do not retaliate" in Sri Sai Satcharitra Ch.X.

Never grieve over an injury that may be caused to you by another; know it to be the result of some evil action performed by you in the past. Never allow the thought to enter your mind that such and such a person have done you this injury. Know it for certain that injustice is never done in the Kingdom of God. The harm that has come to you or the mishap that has befallen you is undoubtedly a result of you past actions. Truly speaking, no one can ever inflict any suffering on you without any cause. Nor is it possible that the effect should precede the cause. Therefore, whatever suffering comes to you is undoubtedly the result of your own Karma. God in His mercy metes out justice to you in order to absolve you of your own sins. Know that person who has caused you suffering to be a mere instrument; it is through ignorance and folly that the poor creature has played this role. He has sought his own ruin and invited suffering on himself by inflicting pain on you. It is quite evident that he who invites suffering on himself is surely not wise; he is self-deluded, and therefore deserves our pity. Do not be angry with him, do not wish him harm in return, never desire that evil may come to him; on the contrary pray to God that He may be pleased to bring back the deluded brother to the path of virtue, awaken his good sense and forgive his sins committed through ignorance.

It is possible that, forced by circumstances, he committed through mistake the act which caused you suffering; but, if the fire of repentance is now burning within his heart, and he is feeling uncomfortable in mind, it is your duty under such circumstances to extend your love towards him and treat him with the utmost kindness. Tell him frankly, `Brother, why are you so sorry? Surely you are not to blame for this. This pain that has been caused to me was due to my own past Karma. You have rather done me a good turn by helping me to work out my Karma. You should therefore no longer feel embarrassed in your mind.' These words coming from a sincere heart will surely assuage his feelings; he will come to his senses and will never do harm to others to others in future. If, however, he inflicted on you knowingly and deliberately and through evil intent, and instead of repenting for his action he may be chuckling over it, your nobleconduct and loving behaviour will change his mind and move him to repentance. Your magnanimity will automatically evoke his homage. His heart will be purified. This is as certain as anything. But if this does not happen, you are in no way the loser. Through your ideal and loving behaviour your own mind will remain perfectly calm and composed.

Never bear with him any grudge. If you entertain this feeling towards him you will be sowing in your own mind the seeds of many other sinful propensities of a similar nature. His mind will also know no peace. Even if he had no grudge before, your unfriendly behavior will now estrange him from you. The result will be that the fire of hatred will smoulder in the hearts of you both; the feeling of animosity will make both of you miserable and drag both of you to morass of sin. Therefore, banish altogether from your mind the idea that such and such a person ever did you any harm.

By. Shri Hanumanprasad Poddar in `Wavelets of Bliss and Divine Message'

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