Friday, November 14, 2008

Purification of mind is absolutely necessary

Baba said, "Purification of mind is absolutely necessary, without it all our spiritual endeavours are nothing, but useless show and pomp" in Sri Sai Satcharitra Ch.XVI & XVII.

It is the impurity of your own mind that is mainly responsible for bringing to your notice only the dark side of other's character. Make your own mind faultless and you will find that the number of sinners in this world is very much reduced.

Cultivate the habit of observing your own faults, examine the weaknesses of your heart very critically and you will realize that your mind is full of impurities; then you will hardly find any time to detect the fault of others.

Every thought arising in the mind of a man carries with it a feeling of love or hatred, which brings in joy or sorrow, and which prompts him to see virtue or vice in another. Even the vices of him whom we love appear to us as virtue, and the virtues of him whom we hate appear as vices. Unless we take off these coloured glasses of love and hatred from our eyes it is not possible to know a person truly.

Be an impartial observer of every thought-wave arising in your mind; very soon you will notice that no thought arises in your mind. This is a sovereign recipe for controlling the mind. Similarly, if you can dispassionately observe the impulses of love and hatred without identifying yourself with them, you will soon find the practice helpful in eradicating those impulses.

Life is very short; live amicably with all, behave well with all; scatter ambrosia everywhere and do not let fall even a drop of poison anywhere. Your conduct influenced by love is ambrosia and that influenced by hatred is poison.

If a person calls on you even for an hour, fill his heart with ambrosia through your loving and guileless behaviour; take care that none may catch poison from you. Remove all poison from the heart and fill it up with ambrosia and then scatter it at every step.

Courtesy: Wavelets of Bliss – by Sri. Hanumanprasad Poddar

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