Saturday, November 15, 2008



Baba said, "Try to get Lord's grace and blessings and be honoured in His court" in Sri Sai Satcharitra Chapter VI.

Be a man of honour. Know first what true honour consists in. A man can be called respectable by virtue of his wealth even though he may have accumulated it through dishonourable men; but he commands norespect in the eyes of God. He alone is truly respectable in the eyes of God who, though leading a life of abject penury and otherwise appearing discreditable in the eyes of the world, does not swerve from the path of virtue.

Do not abandon Dharma (the path of virtue) in exchange for honour and praise. Vindicate righteousness even at the cost of honour and fame.

Do not pride yourself on wealth, property, physical beauty and man- power. You may lose all these in the twinkling of an eye. True strength is that which you derive from God. Try to acquire that strength.

Too many hospitals, dispensaries and physicians at a particular place are a sure indication that the inhabitants of that place have become physically degraded. Where lawyers are found in large numbers and the court rooms are crowded, the honesty of the residents of that place should be understood to have almost disappeared. Where obscene literature finds a market, know the people of that place to be morally depraved.

Diseases cannot be uprooted by medicines and hospitals alone. Eradication of diseases is possible only through control of senses and purity of mind. Control of the senses and purity of mind ensure not only our physical health but spiritual health also. Therefore, constantly endeavour to control your senses and purify your mind.

Satsanga (association with holy men) helps us in controlling our senses, and purifying our mind. Therefore giving up the company of evil men, associate only with the virtuous.

Quarrels and disputes cannot be brought to an end merely through lawyers and law-courts. For exterminating quarrels, the main thing required is honesty. If people give up the desire to deprive othersof their legitimate dues there will be no more of quarrels.

It should always be remembered that the primary goal of human existence is to develop Love for God. Love for God can be developed only through His grace, and not through any course of discipline.

Courtesy: Sri Hanumanprasad Poddar in Wavelets of Bliss.

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