Tuesday, November 25, 2008



Nana Chandorkar and Haridas, a Kirtankar were both at Shirdi, and both had to be at Ahmednagar the next day, and so had to catch a train, the scheduled time of which required their immediate leaving of Shirdi. So they want to take leave of Baba. Baba quietly told them both, `You had better take your meal and then go for your train.' Nana, having implicit reliance on his Guru did so, though it took some time for him to take his meal. Haridas did not wish to risk the loss of money which he would get at the next day's engagement, and so, remembering the scheduled time and not Baba's words (on which he did not place much reliance), started off immediately without food and reached Kopergaon station and waited there for some hours, for the train was late by some hours. Baba knowing the lateness by his Antarjnana (or Ritambhara Prajna) gave the benefit of his knowledge to Nana who went up leisurely after meal, and found Haridas waiting at the station with hungry stomach, for the late train. Nana was in time to catch the train, and Haridas learnt a lesson, which he no doubt would preach to others but did not practice himself, namely, that one must put implicit faith in Great Souls like the Guru Sai Deva, and not throw aside their words and rely upon one's own wisdom.

This is the correct interpretation of the last line of the Niti
sloka: - Ushas Sasamsca Gargyastu Sakunamtu Brihaspatih, Manojayamtu
Mandavya, Vipravakyam Janardhanah, which means: -

(When one wishes to consult augury of success before starting on any action) Gargya praised starting at dawn, Brihaspati held omens e.g., flight of birds etc., to be the best guide. Mandavya held one's own optimism and powerful determination were the best guides. Janardhana (Sri Krishna) viewed the words of the Vipra or holy ones as the best (Baba was a Vipra in the best and every sense of the term).

Baba also taught Nana incidentally another lesson before he left Shirdi (saying), `Look at this Haridas, He comes with you. He leaves you behind and runs away for his own (fancied) advantage. You must always have friends who will not desert you in the middle like this'.

Another incident also may be quoted here. Nana was staying with Baba at Shirdi and wanted to start one morning to go to Kopergaon, where he had an appointment to meet the Collector. When he went to takeleave of Baba in proper time. Baba simply said, `Go tomorrow'. That meant, leave was denied. Others with less faith than Nana would have simply brushed aside Baba's advice and started off. But Nana had full faith in Baba, and consequently the advantage of staying one more day with Baba. Having been stopped for that day, he took leave of Baba the next day. Baba then said, `You now go and meet the Collector'. When Nana went to Kopergaon and enquired of the office staff there as to what happened on the previous day, they said that the Collector had sent a telegram that he was not coming that day but only on the following day. Baba did not receive a copy of the telegram, but by his own Antarjnana knew of the postponement of the appointment and gave Nana the benefit of it with the resulting further benefit of an extra day's stay with his Guru. Thus even in the most important official matters, Nana's faith made him follow Baba's words with great advantage to himself, temporally and spiritually.

Courtesy: HH Pujyasri B. V. Narasimha Swamiji

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