Wednesday, October 7, 2015




Lord Krishna granted Arjuna divine vision (VISWARUPA DARSHANAM the universal form) as the cosmic universe. Thus He conclusively establishes His divinity. Krishna explains that His own all beautiful form of Godhead. One can perceive this form only by pure devotional service. (B. C. chapter XI)


Every one of us can have God's darshan (vision) in some form or other in our sojourn of life provided we surrender ourselves to Him with body, mind and possessions, (Tan, man, dhan) as Arjuna did to Lord Krishna. Also, when we get such darshan (divine vision) we must go on always (throughout our life) remember & cherish, (such blessings of Lord on us) so that it becomes a sadhana spiritual practice) for us to become one with the Lord (SELF REALISATION). Thus avoid the recurrence of birth & deaths, (punarapi Jananam & punarapi Maranam). Now, I shall narrate how our Lord Sai had blessed me to have such darshan on the auspicious day of Gurupoornima in 1983 or so.


I along with some devotees from Hubli were staying in the "Mangala Karyalaya" SHIRDI on the day prior to "Guru Poomima". My brother Sri. Subramaniam with some devotees from MADRAS also joined us there. We were spending the night, each narrating his own Sai experiences (Sai Leelas). All of a sudden at 11.00 pm, I was feeling uneasy (in stomach) & dysentery (purging) started. I began to run to bath room every now & then. My physical condition deteriorated. I was completely exhausted & lying on the bed with semi - consciousness & chanting Baba's name silently.


At about, 4.00 am on Guru Poornima day the other devotees wanted to go and stand in the queue near Dixit wada & enter the Mandir premises in time so that they could attend the "KAKAD ARATHI" on time (ie) 5.15 Am. But, at the same time they did not want to leave me alone. Someone amongst them said to others that he (I) is a great Sai devotee, nothing will happen to him, come on let us go & attend the KAKAD ARATHI on this auspicious Guru Poornima day, & went out for Kakad Arathi. Wonder of wonders!! After they left, Baba appeared in a flash & said, "Meet the unknown yogi today & have his Darshan in Gurusthan". After this vision (Baba's appearance), I regained my (physical) strength, took bath & ran to attend the Kakad Arathi. The other devotees who were in the Mandir were wonder struck to see me there & took me near Baba. I told them about Baba's appearance to me & they were all delighted & said that Baba is "Bhaktha Paradeena" (Bonded slave of His sincere devotees). I would like to narrate some prelude (before meeting the unknown yogi on that auspicious Guru Poornima day) as indicated by Baba in the morning.


I do daily 'Parayana' (reading 2 chapters everyday) of Sri Sai Satcharita. There is a reference to this unknown Yogi in chapter XXIII under the caption 'YOGA and ONION'. "Once it so happened, that a Sadhak of yoga came to Shirdi with Nanasaheb Chandorkar. He had studied all works on Yoga, including the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, but had no practical experience. He could not concentrate his mind and attain samadhi even for a short time. He thought that if Sai Baba was pleased with him, He will show him, the way to attain samadhi, for a longer time. With this object in view, he came to Shirdi and when he went to the Masjid he saw Sai Baba eating chapati with onion. On seeing this, a thought crossed his mind: 'How can this man, eating stale bread with raw onion, solve my difficulties and help me?' Sai Baba read his mind and said to Nanasaheb, "Oh Nana, he who has the power to digest onion, should eat it and none else." Hearing this remark, the yogi was wonder struck and, he fell at Baba's feet with complete surrender. With pure and open mind, he asked his difficulties and got their-solution from Baba. Thus, being satisfied and happy, he left Shirdi with Baba's udi and blessings.


I was very inquisitive (very eager to know) about this yogi's name & other details etc. Our kind Baba had fulfilled my long desire on this auspicious day. The details are as follows: After attending KAKAD Arathi we took darshan of Lord GANAPATHI, Saneswar & Siva installed in separate temples near the Samadhi Mandir. Then we visited Maruthi Temple & had darshan of Maruthi, then to BABA'S Chavadi, Dwarkamai & finally entered "Gurusthan" at about 9.30 AM or so. Lo!! I couldn't believe my eyes. The unknown yogi, tall well built 5'-6" high with effulgent eyes, was present there with his disciples. I prostrated before him, (at a distance from his feet) as the yogi did not allow any one to prostrate at his feet. I saw actually Baba in him. (Baba himself appeared through him).


He blessed me & suddenly went straight to Samadhi Mandir with his disciples via Gurusthan connecting SAMADHI MANDIR (only this path / way, connecting Samadhi Mandir with GURUSTHAN will be permitted to TRUSTEES OF SANSTHAN & high dignitaries to avail). Baba's indication in the early morning dream vision has been realized by me viz: I had the darshan of the unknown yogi - a divine person. Then I contacted the personal secretary of this yogi Sri. B. SAMANTH, who told me that his name was 'RAM BABA'. He visited Shirdi every year on "Guru Poornima day" to pay obeisance to Samartha Sadguru Sai Baba. He was very simple, egoless, shunned name &fame and did not accept any donation gift etc., from devotees without prior approval (intuition) from Baba. He had travelled abroad & propagated Baba's life, teachings, sayings, philosophy in all those places. He never allowed any one to prostrate at his feet nor allowed them to publish his name in any paper, magazine etc., So to say he was silently preaching BABA's life, His Leelas (experiences to his devotees). Hundreds of different devotees from all over the world became Sai devotees through him. What a great selfless Sai service he had done!! Such people are very rarely found in this world. He lived for 114 years or so. Finally he merged with Baba, thinking of BABA only just like KAKASAHIB DIXIT.


The great, Sai Devotee late Sri. Nimbalkar of Pune who was present on that day told me that the yogi never craved for food, clothes etc., and some devotee would go to him & offer food; clothes at the appropriate time, some rich philanthropists would go to him & take him abroad for Sai Prachar. Baba had taken complete care of him in all matters. It is no wonder because he had surrendered (Tan, Man, Dhan) body, mind and all possession to his Sadguru Sri. SAI BABA. His firm conviction was that Baba (BABA'S Sakthi -power) was doing everything (residing in him, in his heart) and he was only an instrument in his hands. Indeed it is the truth, the reality which we the devotees, have to understand (realize) in life and act accordingly to receive our Samartha Sadguru BABA'S Grace & Blessings.


To conclude, though all cannot become "RAM BABA" (one with BABA), let us at least remember BABA always, meditate on him, go through his stories (Leelas) & chant his Taraka mantra "OM SAI SRI SAI JAYA JAYA SAI" constantly which is the easiest path to attain salvation (self realization)




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