Thursday, October 15, 2015

Do's & Don'ts from Baba

Do's & Don'ts from Baba


Baba: Satsanga, i.e., moving with the good  is good. Dussanga, i.e., moving with evil-minded people is evil and must be avoided.


Yama, Niyama. Restrain yourself from forbidden food and drinks. Avoid needless disputation. Avoid falsehood. Have restraint of speech.


Fulfil promises.


Restrain Lust-Wholly in respect of others' wives, and partly in respect of your own wife.


Enjoyment of marital pleasure is permissible. But be not enslaved by it. MUKTI is impossible to persons addicted to lust. Lust ruins mental balance, and strength or firmness. It affects the learned also.


Unruly buffaloes are controlled by tying a log to their neck as a clog to their movements. Viveka (i.e., prudence and discrimination) must be tied to one's mind when sex attracts.


Desires must be controlled. You must master them and not be their slave.

Yet you can (and must) use them, the inner enemies within limits. e.g.,

(Besides Kama for the wife)


have krodha (anger) against unrighteousness.

have Lobha (greed) for Hari Nama, uttering God's name.

have Moha (fondness) for Mukti (salvation)

have Matser (hatred) for evil action; and have no mada (pride)




(Baba's Charters and Sayings, No. 313)




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