Thursday, October 22, 2015

Vijaya Dashami Guruvaar Prarthna

Vijaya Dashami Guruvaar Prarthna



Our Beloved Sadguru Sainath, today is very auspicious Vijaya Dashami day and very special day for all Your devotees, on this occasion we pledge that we watch our speech, watch every word, speak no word that is impure or vulgar or that can affect the feeling of others. We never allow an unclean thought to enter in our minds. If it does enter in our mind, drive it away at once. Purify our minds so that an impure thought may not be able to gain entrance. As You said in Satchritra, without purification of mind, all our spiritual endeavors are nothing but useless show and pomp. Baba, strengthen our resolve, help that will be our way of life, so that will take us close to your heart. On this holy day we start our prayers by reading your divine words in Shri Sai Samartha Satcharitra.



Baba loved the "Nama-Smarna". He himself constantly repeated the words "Allah-Malik ". He would arrange for a seven day ceaseless chanting of the " Nama " in his presence, day and night.


On one occasion, Baba commanded Das Ganu11 to conduct such a seven-day chanting, when Das Ganu sought an assurance from Baba that then Vitthal should appear in person.


Baba laying his hand on his heart assured him with confidence and told him firmly "Yes, of course, Vitthal in person will appear. The devotee should be full of faith.


Dankapuri of Dakurnath, or Pandhari of Vitthal, or Dwarka Nagari of Ranchod are here only, in search of which you need not go a long distance.


Is Vitthal going to come from anywhere else, leaving his private quarters? He would appear here, springing up out of the intense devotion of the devotee.


By serving his parents Pundalik captivated the God of Gods. Seeing Pundalik's devotion, the Lord stood on the brick and waited ".


After the seventh day of the chanting, Baba's words came true and it is said that Das Ganu had darshan of Lord Vitthal at Shirdi. Thus Baba's prediction was experienced and verified.


Once when Kakasaheb Dixit was in meditation, after his routine morning bath, he got darshan of Vitthal.


Later on, when he went for Baba's darshan, Baba surprised him by asking: "Had not Vitthal Patil come? Did you meet him?


That Vitthal is very elusive. Hold to him firmly otherwise he will slip away, if your attention wavers even for a moment ".


This episode took place in the morning. Again, in the afternoon, see further evidence of the joyous appearance of Vitthal.


A hawker from another place outside Shirdi came to the village with the intention of selling twenty to twentyfive beautiful pictures of Vitthal.


It was the exact replica of the image which was seen in the morning meditation. Dixit was surprised and he recalled Baba's words.


Dixit very lovingly purchased one of the pictures by paying the price to the seller and installed it with devotion for the daily worship.



I bow down to Sree Ganesh

I bow down to Sree Saraswati

I bow down to the Guru

I bow down to the Family Deity

I bow down to Sree Sita-Ramachandra

I bow down to Sree Sadguru Sainath.


Sarveshaam Svaastir Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Shaantir Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Poornam Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanteeh




-(from Shri Sai Samartha Satchrita, Chapter  4, Ovi 82 - 95)

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