Thursday, October 1, 2015

Blessed Devotee who Experienced Baba’s Miracle before 1918

Blessed Devotee who Experienced Baba's Miracle before 1918

Wait for six months and see the fate


Mention is made of Hari Bhau Karnik in Sai Satcharitra chapter 33. In 1917 on Gurupurnima he visited Shirdi and after proper rituals offered dakshina to Baba. While he was getting down the steps, he wished he had offered one more rupee. As he was given permission to leave, he proceeded to Nasik. There Narasimha Maharaj demanded, "Give me my one ru­pee" which. Haribhau gladly gave, realizing how Baba, had reclaimed the rupee.


Before this visit to Shirdi he was once in trouble. His relatives dragged him to court unlawfully. Having heard of Baba he came to Shirdi. He bowed to Baba and offered a coconut, betel nut and dakshina. Baba asked him to go to the Wada and take rest. Two days later, he met Baba; he was dejected and sad at the behaviour of his relatives, and was thinking of the law suit. Baba, in His characteristic way, told him 'all about the case'. The other devotees asked him if he was ac­quainted with Baba. "No, I have not met Him before, but He surely knows me".


On the fourth day of his stay, he met Baba who said, "Wait for six months and see the fate of the mischief makers!" True to His words, six months later he was acquitted and the troublemakers suffered much for their misdeeds.




Leela- 13 in Ambrosia in Shirdi - Part-I

(Baba's Leelas before 1918)



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