Thursday, October 22, 2015




Baba said, "Look at Me whole-heartedly, and I in turn look at you similarly" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XVII, XIX.


A husband and wife were traveling in a ship. Suddenly a storm struck, and huge waves began to dash against the ship. Everyone was frightened that it would be engulfed by the ocean. The wife looked at her husband, who happened to be a great devotee of God, and saw that he was not frightened at all. She said, "Are you not afraid?" Being a soldier, he drew his sword and placed it near her throat and asked, "Are you scared?" She replied, "Why should I be afraid of you? I know that you would not hurt me." "Well then," he continued, "Why should not you feel the same way about God?"


If you love God, then why should you be afraid if He has figuratively placed a sword at your throat? Why should you become upset and lose your patience and balance of mind? The message is that if you have developed the feeling that God is the source of infinite love and the He is your very life, your mother and father, then you have nothing to fear, whatever situation arises in your life.


With faith, you will overcome all problems and obstructions

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