Thursday, October 8, 2015

Blessed Devotee who Experienced Baba’s Miracle before 1918

Blessed Devotee who Experienced Baba's Miracle before 1918

He will go to heaven, He is changing his clothes before Me.


"In the Wada there are many thieves fasten the doors and be alert for they will rob you of all your belongings and attack you fiercely. Property is never permanent, as for the body, it is for ever transient knowing that death is near, conduct yourself according to Dharma," said Baba to Vijayanand Swamy (Sai Satcharitra Ch.31). Baba knew that he was going to die and alerted him to do the right thing by reading the Holy Scriptures.


He said the same to Appa Kulkarni, who did not understand His words. "Thieves will come and fight with you.   They are very clever in selecting persons, and will take away only what they want. Beware!" But Appa took trouble to safeguard his property.


At that time, there was an epidemic of cholera in Shirdi. One night, Appa had incessant vomiting and diarrhoea and suf­fered from cholera. Soon, his body became cold, clammy and pulseless. Seeing his condition, Appa Kulkarni's wife ran to Baba and begged for Udi and blessings to save her husband.


Baba calmly replied, "Do not grieve. Death awaits all those who are born. Birth and death are acts of the almighty. No one lives or dies here. If you look at the phenomenon of life with the eyes of wisdom, you will realize that you are no different. When the clothes become old and fade, you throw them away. In the same way, the soul, which is immortal, casts off the worn out body. Do not stop him from going. Let him leave as he has reached his life's goal. He will go to heaven. He is right now changing his clothes before Me."


Then, his wife returned home, weeping, but com­forted by Baba's words. Appa died soon after. The villagers were frightened, lest cholera spread in epidemic proportions. They came to Baba and begged him to stop the epidemic. Baba said, "Only seven will die of chol­era." After seven people succumbed to it, the disease abated.



Leela- 14 in Ambrosia in Shirdi - Part-I

(Baba's Leelas before 1918)



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