Thursday, October 29, 2015

Baba gave indications of His Maha Samadhi

Baba gave indications of His Maha Samadhi


Baba had told Uddhavesa Bua some months back not to be "paying fortnightly visits" and bade him final farewell. In Dasara time, Baba was unwell, for a number of days, as also Tatya Patil. In the earlier part he went and begged food in the accustomed places supporting his body on some others. During the last two or three days, he was not able to go out.


On the 15 October 1918, i.e., Dasara day, after Arati was over:

Baba: You Kaka (H S Dixit), Buty, etc., go for your meal.

And then they left. After they left, Baba sat upon his bed, reclined on Bayyaji's lap and said, "I am going. Carry me to the Wada. All the Brahmins will be living near me." and then breathed his last. Nana Nimonkar poured water into his mouth; but the water came out. It was about 3 p.m. The day was no doubt Vijaya Dasami, but Ekadasi had begun at that time.


In anticipation of his passing away, he gave gifts (dana) in the morning of that dasami. He sat up and paid from his pocket first Rs.5/- and then Rs. 4/- to Lakshmi Bai Scindhe who was daily preparing and giving him food and daily receiving Rs. 4/- from him.


A few days before Baba passed away, he sent Rs. 200 for feeding fakirs and the chanting of prayers with drum beating, at a holy place.


He sent word to another Moslem saint in these terms, "The light of Allah lit, he is taking away." That saint received the intimation with tears.


Rama Viyaya had been read during the 14 days of Baba's illness, i.e., on the 9th, 10th, 11th day of Dasara within Baba's hearing, as he had said that "Mrityunjaya would be pleased thereby."


On the night of Dasara, Baba appeared in the dream of Lakshman mama and said, "Get up quick and do my Kakada Arati. Jog thinks that I am dead and he will not come." And Lakshman did the morning Arati in spite of the protest of the Maulvis. Jog resumed the noon arati on the 16th October 1918.


Baba's reference to the approach of his Mahasamadhi:

Baba to Chotakhan: Put this garland on the fakir Banne Mea and tell him "Allah is taking away the lamp he placed here." That was mentioned to the Moulana shortly before 15-10-1918. That fakir then shed tears.



(Baba's Charters and Sayings, No. 330)


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