Tuesday, October 6, 2015



Baba said, "We should mean well and do well. Whatever is destined to happen, will happen" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch.XII.

The great artist, Albrecht Durer, before he become famous, was poor and always in need. He had a friend who also aspired to be an artist. They felt that if both of them gave their time to the pursuit of art, they would perish in the attempt. So they made a pact. Durer was to study and paint, while his friend would do manual labour and earn for both. When Durer started earning by painting pictures, he would support his friend who would then, turn his attention to art.


By the time success came to Durer, his friend's hand had become so twisted and stiff that he could not paint. However, he was happy that he had been instrumental in giving to the world a great artist.


One day, seeing his friend's work-worn hands in prayer, Durer thought, "I can never give back the lost skill of those hands, but I can show my feeling of love and gratitude by painting the hands of my kind friend as they are now, folded in prayer."


The result was the immortal painting of the "Prayer Hands". No one has looked at it and not felt his heart move out in aspiration to the True, the Good, the Beautiful.


The name of Durer's friend has been forgotten. But the picture of his hands – Praying Hands – continues to speak to many the words which we all need today – "Come, let us pray!"

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