Thursday, July 30, 2009


Be kind to others. Take notice of the way you feel after you put someone down, notice that you feel worse than before the put-down. Here's a good code to live by: CHOOSE BEING KIND OVER BEING RIGHT. The compassionate part of you knows that it's impossible to feel better at the expense of someone else!



Time is money. Time is the currency of the earth! What you do with your time is crucial. People who spend time in the gym end up with great bodies. People who spend time with their spouses have great marriages. The healthy and wealthy aren't given twenty-six hours a day and the poor twenty-two; they just budget their time better.



What is your self-concept? To win in life you must first change the way you see yourself. What pictures do you currently have of yourself in your mind? Find projects you can excel and thrive in. The more you experience successes, the more the Polaroid picture inside of your head begins to change for the better.



Planning is so important to succeed! Here is a great thing to remember: If you fail to plan you plan to fail! Donald Trump also said something that stuck with me. "Failing is okay, but you should never be shocked when you fail." I believe that we all know when we didn't prepare for a task, so set yourself up to win.



Put a little gratitude in your attitude. Learn to be grateful. Never compare your blessings to another person's. I believe that if we become very thankful for small things, big things are right around the corner. GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD FOR HE IS WORTHY!



Money is great in that it provides you with options. If you have very little money, you have fewer choices. If you want to live close to your job and it's located in an expensive part of town, it might not be possible if you lack proper funds. If you want a car but can't afford one, you'll have to continue to rely on public transportation. Money is not everything, but freedom is, and if you want freedom you'll need money. Be diligent. Spend wisely.



Giving is a universal law that always brings results. Receiving is important also. The farmer plants his seeds and when harvest time comes he must work and collect the fruits. There is a law of receiving that balances out giving. Giving is just receiving inside out!



The Bible clearly states in Psalms 82:6 that "Ye are gods." So in essence YOU are God. Not the GOD, but a cup of God. God is like the ocean and you are a cup of God. Make sure that you keep pouring yourself back into the ocean! Here's the trick: Never look for God. JUST BE! God is within!



Stop complaining. Become aware of your blessings. Everything you need or want is already in your life—just waiting for your recognition of it. Anything unrecognized becomes uncelebrated. Anything uncelebrated becomes unrewarded. Anything unrewarded eventually exits your life. Recognize your blessings.



The Bible says in Philippians 4, "Be Anxious for nothing." When you are full of anxiety/fear, the very thing you are seeking runs from you. When you are in a relaxed state of mind, your confidence results in victory! You are at a disadvantage in any business deal or situation when you are anxious. Relax. Always remember to do your best and forget the rest.



In order to have authority, you must be under authority! As long as you know everything, you will never find a mentor. People who are successful always have mentors. Here's the trick: When in the company of a master, you know nothing! Shut up and learn. True riches come from operating with a peaceful, thankful heart.




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