Friday, July 17, 2009



Baba said, "You need not go far in search of Me. Barring your name and form, there exists in you as well as in all beings, a sense of Being or Consciousness of Existence. That is Myself" in Sri Sai Satcharitra Ch. XLIII

Every desire leads not to the goal it has promised you; it leads to just the opposite of it. You want to be special? You have already accepted your ordinariness. One who is special does not want to be special; he’s not even aware that he is special.

Whatever you want, one thing is certain; you are not that. And from where are these desires and wants coming? IMITATION. All around you see people; somebody is so rich, somebody is so intellectual, somebody is a wrestler; somebody is boxer. And you are nothing – it hurts. It hurts because of your wrong conception about life.

So you have to note a few things in your being; one, you cannot be anybody other than who you are. If you try to be somebody other than you are, you will never be somebody else, but you will miss being that which you were destined to become.

It is almost as if a rose-flower wants to become a lotus, its whole energy will be in how to become a lotus; it will forget all about the roses. All its energy will become misdirected. It will never become a lotus because it has no lotus seeds, no potentially to be a lotus. Only one thing is certain ; now it won’t become even a flowering bush of roses.

And who said that a lotus is better than rose? They are both beautiful and they are both needed. Even the smallest blade of grass is as much needed as the biggest star in the sky. This whole universe is one organic unity. Hence, nothing exists that is not needed, and the most needed persons are those who simply accept themselves as they are and enjoy themselves as they are nobodies.

But to be a nobody is the highest point of bliss in existence. Don’t try to be special. Just allow nature, wherever it leads you. Don’t go upstream; otherwise, your failure is certain. Go with the stream, let go. Don’t even swim. And the stream will take you joyously, dancingly, to the ocean.

As far as I am concerned, from early childhood I have been told ... how many times is difficult to enumerate, because everybody was telling me: "The way you are behaving, the way you are living, the way you are doing things, you will turn into a nobody." And they were all RIGHT.

I have turned into a nobody, but I don’t want to be anything else. I never wanted that, because by being nobody, I don’t have any worry, I don’t have any tensions. I don’t even have dreams, because nothing is repressed. I am living moment-to-moment, and life is such an ecstasy.

And because I am nobody, I can contain the whole universe within me. Nobody, nobodiness, has no boundaries.

The more special you become, the more you shrink. The more special you become, the more hard you become. The more special you become, the more you are against existence -–and nobody can win against existence.

There is only one victory, and that is just to be nobody, and the whole universe is within you. You are victorious. You will not know it, but birds will talk about it. Flowers will say, "Yes, it has happened." The whole universe will know it except you.

So it is good that you have failed at becoming special – you are blessed.

Now try my way. And it is a short-cut, you have not to go anywhere, you can be nobody just sitting here right now, I don’t promise you anything for tomorrow.

I promise you this moment. Just be silent, and nobody, and see the beauty of it, the truth of it, the glory of it.

(Courtesy: East and West Series

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