Sunday, July 12, 2009



Fix the mind in remembering Me always, so that it will not wander elsewhere, towards body, wealth and home. Then it will be calm, peaceful and carefree. - (SSS Ch.VI)

There was a king and he had a friend – a holy man. The king would very often say to his friend, "Just release me from this worldly bondage, just make me free."

The holy man would give instructions. Yet the king was persistent in his request, "Just make me free."

One day the holy man firmly caught hold of a pillar and repeatedly began to request the king, "Friend, just release me."

The king said, "Why don’t you let go the hold."

The holy man replied, "No, you must release me."

The king replied, "A great fun indeed. You yourself clasped the pillar tightly and at will you can leave it off. But now you request me to come to your rescue. Why don’t you yourself give it up?"

Then the holy man left the pillar and said to the king, "It is the same case with you. You yourself are clasping the world and yet you constantly request me to release you from it. Why don’t you yourself give it up?

The king understood.

(Courtesy: The East and West Series, 27-09-2003)

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