Wednesday, July 29, 2009




Baba said, "As long as the body remains, samsara remains. None escapes it. How can you? Even I am caught up in it. By going away to a forest you cannot escape samsara. Your present condition, has been brought about by your self. What is the use of irritation at it?" in Baba's Charters and Sayings #113


There is a revealing story of a monk living in the Egyptian desert who was so tormented by temptation that he could not bear it no longer. So he decided to abandon his cell and go somewhere else.


As he was putting on his sandals to carry out his resolve he saw another monk not far from where he stood who was also putting his sandals on.


"Who are you?" he asked the stranger.


"I am your self", was the reply, "If it is on my account that you are leaving this place, I would have you know that no matter where you go I shall go with you."


Both what you runaway from – and what you yearn for – is within you!


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