Friday, July 17, 2009




Baba said, "Why should you take the responsibility of the actions on you? Do not entertain the sense of doership in doing good, as well as bad deeds" in Sri Sai Satcharitra Ch. L.


George Harvey once interviewed Prof. Samuel F.B. Morse, the inventor of the telegraph. "Professor Morse, when you were making your experiments at the university, did you ever come to a standstill, not knowing what to do next?"


"Oh, yes, more than once."


"Then what did you do?"


"I have never discussed this with anyone, so the public knows nothing about it. But now that you ask me, I will tell you frankly – I prayed 'for more light'


"And did God give you the wisdom and the know-how you needed?"


"Yes, He did", said Morse. "That's why I never felt I deserved the honours that came to me from America and Europe because of the invention associated with my name. I had made a valuable application of the use of electric power, but it was all through God's help. It was not because I was superior to other scientist. When the Lord wanted to bestow this gift on mankind, He had to use someone. I am just grateful He chose to reveal it to me."




(Courtesy: East and West Series, March 2004)


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