Tuesday, July 21, 2009



Baba said, "The Lord is always brother (befriender) of the poor" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, chapter V.


He was a king in mid-Asia. Lying on his regal couch, he heard, one night, sounds on roof of his palace. He came out of his bed and inquired what was the cause of the noise which disturbed him. To his surprise he saw on the roof not human beings but shining forms like angels.


"Who are you?" he asked, "and why are you here?" the shining forms said: "We are angels; and we are here on the roof of your palace in search of camels."


"How foolish of you," said the king, "to be here at this hour in search of your camels on the roof of the palace! How do you hope to find camels here?"


"As you, O king!" they said, "are hoping to find God in your palace, wearing the crown and living a life of luxury here!"


And quickly vanished the angelic forms: but their reproach went home to the heart of the king. He said to himself: "True it is I should not hope to find God here in the palace. If, indeed, I am sincere in my search of God. I should renounce the palace, and move out to find Him in the cottage of a poor man. Not in luxuries of the palace but at the lotus feet of the lowly and the lost may I hope to find him whom I have searched in vain for many years." The king renounced his palace and his regal robe: the king moved out in quest of poor and lowly.





(Sadhu Vaswani in Mira, April 2004)


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