Wednesday, July 29, 2009




Baba asked, "Have you got such faith?" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, ch. XXIX.


A Sadhu sat underneath a leafy tree on a bank of the river Ganges, lost in meditation. His face shone as molten gold.


The king of Banaras passed by. He saw the Saddle's face lit up by an unearthly glow. Dismounting from his horse, he drew near to the Sadhu. The Sadhu's eyes were closed and a strange calm sat on his face.


The king called out to the Sadhu; but the Sadhu did not stir. He sat motionless and serene, lost in the rapture of ecstasy.


The king called out, again and again and still again. There was no answer. The king's pride was wounded. He lost his temper and, in a fit of anger, shook the holy body.


The Sadhu opened his eyes; there was compassion in them; They were free from the least trace of impatient or anger.


"Who are you? And what is your name?" the king asked in an arrogant voice.


Meekly answered the Sadhu, "I aspire to be a servant of the Beloved!"


"What is it that you teach?" asked the haughty king.


And the sadhu said, "Compassion to all creatures on earth and child-like faith which greets everything that happens with the words: "God's Will be done!"


The king laughed an arrogant laugh, and said: "Let me see, O Sadhu! How you accept everything as coming from God!"


Then the king did something over which his ancestor must have wept in the heaven-world and for which his descendents must feel eternally ashamed. Unsheathing his sword, the king cut off the Sadhu's left hand.


Out of his parted lips, the Sadhu quietly said: "God's Will be done!"


Not satisfied, the king cut off the Sadhu's right hand.


Again did the Sadhu say: "God's Will be done!"


The Sadhu's left foot was severed: and his right foot met the same fate. But the Sadhu said, again and again: "God's Will be done! God's Will be done!"


The king was astonished. He had never seen such a man before. Ashamed, the king looked at the Sadhu in sheer wonder.


And the Sadhu said, "O King! The faith I hold is not hid in my hands and feet. it is a part of the imperishable Self that I am. And though every limb of my body be cut into pieces, yet will my faith not leave me. But every piece will still declare to you the faith of my soul: "God's Will be done!"

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