Thursday, July 30, 2009


Be kind to others. Take notice of the way you feel after you put someone down, notice that you feel worse than before the put-down. Here's a good code to live by: CHOOSE BEING KIND OVER BEING RIGHT. The compassionate part of you knows that it's impossible to feel better at the expense of someone else!



Time is money. Time is the currency of the earth! What you do with your time is crucial. People who spend time in the gym end up with great bodies. People who spend time with their spouses have great marriages. The healthy and wealthy aren't given twenty-six hours a day and the poor twenty-two; they just budget their time better.



What is your self-concept? To win in life you must first change the way you see yourself. What pictures do you currently have of yourself in your mind? Find projects you can excel and thrive in. The more you experience successes, the more the Polaroid picture inside of your head begins to change for the better.



Planning is so important to succeed! Here is a great thing to remember: If you fail to plan you plan to fail! Donald Trump also said something that stuck with me. "Failing is okay, but you should never be shocked when you fail." I believe that we all know when we didn't prepare for a task, so set yourself up to win.



Put a little gratitude in your attitude. Learn to be grateful. Never compare your blessings to another person's. I believe that if we become very thankful for small things, big things are right around the corner. GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD FOR HE IS WORTHY!



Money is great in that it provides you with options. If you have very little money, you have fewer choices. If you want to live close to your job and it's located in an expensive part of town, it might not be possible if you lack proper funds. If you want a car but can't afford one, you'll have to continue to rely on public transportation. Money is not everything, but freedom is, and if you want freedom you'll need money. Be diligent. Spend wisely.



Giving is a universal law that always brings results. Receiving is important also. The farmer plants his seeds and when harvest time comes he must work and collect the fruits. There is a law of receiving that balances out giving. Giving is just receiving inside out!



The Bible clearly states in Psalms 82:6 that "Ye are gods." So in essence YOU are God. Not the GOD, but a cup of God. God is like the ocean and you are a cup of God. Make sure that you keep pouring yourself back into the ocean! Here's the trick: Never look for God. JUST BE! God is within!



Stop complaining. Become aware of your blessings. Everything you need or want is already in your life—just waiting for your recognition of it. Anything unrecognized becomes uncelebrated. Anything uncelebrated becomes unrewarded. Anything unrewarded eventually exits your life. Recognize your blessings.



The Bible says in Philippians 4, "Be Anxious for nothing." When you are full of anxiety/fear, the very thing you are seeking runs from you. When you are in a relaxed state of mind, your confidence results in victory! You are at a disadvantage in any business deal or situation when you are anxious. Relax. Always remember to do your best and forget the rest.



In order to have authority, you must be under authority! As long as you know everything, you will never find a mentor. People who are successful always have mentors. Here's the trick: When in the company of a master, you know nothing! Shut up and learn. True riches come from operating with a peaceful, thankful heart.




Wednesday, July 29, 2009




Baba said, "When the heart is pure, there is no difficulty, whatsoever. Why should one be afraid of any one if there be no evil thought in us?" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, ch. XLIX.


In the olden days, a young woman was living with her 3-year-old son in a house near the banks of a river. In the hot summer season the waters of the river had receded and people would walk across knee-deep waters to cross the river. The woman left her house and went across the river to gather some wood from the countryside. When she came back to the river, to her horror, she saw the river in floods. Lots of heavy rains in the mountain regions caused the waters to make the river swell with water. The woman was worried about her 3-year-old son. He could wander around to the rapidly flowing waters of the river and can drown. The mother was getting hysterical with fear and worry.


Just then two young and well built Brahmacharis (celibate students) were passing by and the mother, crying and begging, asked the Brahmacharis to help her go across the river. She told them about her 3-year-old son left alone to play by the house.


The Brahmacharis remembered the strict rules that they should not touch any female, lest that could arouse desires. That they should not be in the company of any females.


One Brahmachari whose name was Harshananda, reminded himself of the strict rules and said he cannot help the young woman. The other Brahmachari whose name was Devananda, immediately carried the mother on his shoulders and started swimming across the strong currents of the river. He safely delivered the mother to the other side of the river and swam back.


The Brahmacharis resumed their journey towards the Ashram where they were staying with their Guru. Harshananda, who refused to help could not believe the breach of the strict regulations and was constantly harping on it, muttering and thinking about it all the way.


When they reached the Ashram, the Guru asked them how their day went. The irritated Brahmachari Harshananda immediately spoke out in strong condemnation about the behaviour of his companion. Then the Guru asked the other Brahmachari.


Devananda said: I carried the mother across the river and forgot all about it but it seems my friend is still carrying the woman in his mind.


The Guru was pleased with Devananda who used his discrimination and helped the mother and spoke about the true meaning of hypocrisy as taught in the Bhagavad Gita.




Baba asked, "Have you got such faith?" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, ch. XXIX.


A Sadhu sat underneath a leafy tree on a bank of the river Ganges, lost in meditation. His face shone as molten gold.


The king of Banaras passed by. He saw the Saddle's face lit up by an unearthly glow. Dismounting from his horse, he drew near to the Sadhu. The Sadhu's eyes were closed and a strange calm sat on his face.


The king called out to the Sadhu; but the Sadhu did not stir. He sat motionless and serene, lost in the rapture of ecstasy.


The king called out, again and again and still again. There was no answer. The king's pride was wounded. He lost his temper and, in a fit of anger, shook the holy body.


The Sadhu opened his eyes; there was compassion in them; They were free from the least trace of impatient or anger.


"Who are you? And what is your name?" the king asked in an arrogant voice.


Meekly answered the Sadhu, "I aspire to be a servant of the Beloved!"


"What is it that you teach?" asked the haughty king.


And the sadhu said, "Compassion to all creatures on earth and child-like faith which greets everything that happens with the words: "God's Will be done!"


The king laughed an arrogant laugh, and said: "Let me see, O Sadhu! How you accept everything as coming from God!"


Then the king did something over which his ancestor must have wept in the heaven-world and for which his descendents must feel eternally ashamed. Unsheathing his sword, the king cut off the Sadhu's left hand.


Out of his parted lips, the Sadhu quietly said: "God's Will be done!"


Not satisfied, the king cut off the Sadhu's right hand.


Again did the Sadhu say: "God's Will be done!"


The Sadhu's left foot was severed: and his right foot met the same fate. But the Sadhu said, again and again: "God's Will be done! God's Will be done!"


The king was astonished. He had never seen such a man before. Ashamed, the king looked at the Sadhu in sheer wonder.


And the Sadhu said, "O King! The faith I hold is not hid in my hands and feet. it is a part of the imperishable Self that I am. And though every limb of my body be cut into pieces, yet will my faith not leave me. But every piece will still declare to you the faith of my soul: "God's Will be done!"




Baba said, "As long as the body remains, samsara remains. None escapes it. How can you? Even I am caught up in it. By going away to a forest you cannot escape samsara. Your present condition, has been brought about by your self. What is the use of irritation at it?" in Baba's Charters and Sayings #113


There is a revealing story of a monk living in the Egyptian desert who was so tormented by temptation that he could not bear it no longer. So he decided to abandon his cell and go somewhere else.


As he was putting on his sandals to carry out his resolve he saw another monk not far from where he stood who was also putting his sandals on.


"Who are you?" he asked the stranger.


"I am your self", was the reply, "If it is on my account that you are leaving this place, I would have you know that no matter where you go I shall go with you."


Both what you runaway from – and what you yearn for – is within you!


Monday, July 27, 2009




Sri Sai Satcharitra says, "the bondage of body - consciousness (we are the body) will snap and our intellect will be merged in spirit-consciousness (we are the spirit). Then we shall get Bliss and contentment" in chapter XXIV.


A teacher and his student were walking from one village to another, when they suddenly heard a roar behind them. Turning their gaze in the direction of the roar they saw a big tiger following them. The first thing the student wanted to do was to run away, but as he had been studying and practicing self discipline, he was able to halt himself, waiting to see what his teacher was going to do.


"What shall we do Master?" asked the student.


The teacher looked at the student and answered in a calm voice: "There are several options. We can fill our minds with paralyzing fear so that we cannot move, and let the tiger do with us whatever pleases it. We can faint. We can run away, but then it will run after us. We can fight with it, but physically it is stronger than us."


"We can pray to God to save us. We can choose to influence the tiger with the power of our mind, if our concentration is strong enough. We can send it love. We can also concentrate and meditate on our inner power, and on the fact that we are one with the entire universe, including the tiger, and in this way influence its soul."


"You are the Master, You tell me what to do. We haven't much time", responded the student.


The master turned his gaze fearlessly towards the tiger, emptied his mind from all thoughts, and entered Samadhi (a kind of trance). In his consciousness he embraced everything in this universe including the tiger. In this deep meditation the consciousness of the teacher became one with consciousness of the tiger.


Meanwhile the student started to shiver with fear, as the tiger was already quite close, ready to make a leap at them. He was amazed at how his teacher could stay so calm and detached in the face of danger.


Meanwhile the teacher continued to meditate without fear. After a little while, the tiger gradually lowered its head and tail and went away.


The student asked his teacher in astonishment, "What did you so?"


"Nothing, I just cleared all thoughts from my mind and united myself in the spirit with tiger. We became united in peace on the spiritual level. The tiger sensed the inner calmness, peace, and unity and felt no threat or need to express violence, and walked away."


When the mind is silent and calm, its peace is automatically transmitted to everything and everyone around, influencing them deeply", concluded the teacher.




Sunday, July 26, 2009




Baba said, "There will never be any dearth or scarcity, regarding food and clothes in my devotee's home" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch.VI.


"If praying did not produce results," said Rufus Jones, the late Quaker philosopher, "it would soon be weeded out of human race. It would shrivel like the functionless organ."


Harry Eva ran his home for vagrant boys entirely on prayer. Wandering through the New York City streets, he would find boys curled up in doorways or huddled on the park benches. He gave them shelter until they could find work. His home was an ancient, two storey building in the Bronx, with beds for 50 boys and more than enough compassion for all.


Someone once asked Eva how he managed to maintain such large household without any financial backing.


Eva replied, "I have the backing of the Lord, and the Lord nudges the people in beautiful ways."


One noon, after everyone was seated at the table. Eva asked one of the boys to give thanks.


"What for?" the boy said disgustedly. "All we got is cabbage and potatoes."


"Well" replied Eva gently, "we can be thankful for that."


His words were punctuated by the doorbell. It was a messenger delivering a smoked ham from Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. Often she sent food and clothing, and often she seemed to be guided by an extra-ordinarily acute sense to Eva's immediate needs. Surely such things cannot be dismissed as mere coincidence.





(Written by E. F. Wells in Mira May-June 2004)


Friday, July 24, 2009




"It is to be noted here that doubts and difficulties surround us just to move us and confirm our faith. We are tested as it were. If we only hold on steadily to Baba with full faith and continue our endeavours, our efforts will be ultimately crowned with success" –Sri Sai Satcharitra, ch. XXIX.


Faith is power. Without faith, living is impossible. We have the faith in tomorrow following today. That is what makes us take up activities and projects that extend beyond this day. People with no faith cannot plan; they face misery by their want of faith.


A rich man in South Africa once heard a divine which promised him a gold mine, if only he would dig at a certain place. He dug at that place to a depth of 200 feet and failed to discover any vein of gold. His faith declined. He doubted the authenticity of the voice. He talked to others how the voice misled him. When another rich man heard his story, he developed great faith in what he believed to be God's command. He dug in the same area and found a rich gold mine barely three feet below the surface of the earth. That became the richest and most famous of the gold mines of South Africa.


During the Second World War, steamer carrying Indian sepoys was bombed by the Japanese and was sunk. Many lost their lives. Only five men managed to row their life boats and hoped to have a chance to survive, in spite of the surging ocean. They were tossed about for many hours. One of them became desperate. "The sea will swallow me. I will be food for sharks," he cried, and, in panic, he fell into the sea. Another sepoy wept for his family, "I am dying without arranging for their future," he thought. He too lost faith in his survival and breathed to his last. The third man said, "Alas, I have with me the policy documents of insurance. What a pity I did not give them to my wife. How can she get the amount, now that I am dying?" And he also died.


The other two men reinforced each other's faith in God. They said, "We shall stick to life, however desperate the situation, because God has created us for some good purpose. We shall not yield to fear. We shall not give up faith in god's compassion and power." They had to give up the leaky boat and swim towards the shore. Within 5 minutes, a helicopter sent from a coastal ship which had received signals for help from the sinking steamer, sighted them and hauled them up to safety. While safe on land, they said, "It is only three feet of soil between victory and defeat." Faith won victory.





You can influence another man without any audible language. What is wanted is concentration of thought that is directed by the will. This is telepathy.


Here is an exercise for your practice in telepathy. Think of your friend or cousin who is living in a distant land. Bring a clear-cut image of his face to your mind. If you have his photo, look at it and speak to it audibly. When you retire to bed think of the picture with intense concentration. He will write to you the desired letter the following day or so. Try this yourself. Do not doubt. You will be quite surprised.


You will get success and firm conviction in the science of telepathy. Sometimes when you are writing something or reading a newspaper, suddenly you get a message from someone near and dear to you. You think of him suddenly. He has sent a message to you. He has thought of you seriously.


Thought vibrations travel faster than light or electricity. In such instances the subconscious mind receives the messages or impressions and transmits the same to the conscious mind.


If you have comprehensive understanding of the working of the thought vibration, if you know the technique of controlling the thoughts, if you know the method of transmitting beneficial thoughts to others at a distance by forming clear cut, well defined powerful thought waves, you can use this thought power a thousand fold more effectively. Thought work wonders.


A wrong thought binds. A right thought liberates. Therefore, think rightly and attain freedom. Unfold the occult powers hidden within you by understanding and realizing the powers of the mind. Close your eyes. Slowly concentrate. You can see distant objects, hear distant sounds, send messages to any part of the other planets as well, heal persons thousands of miles off from you and move about to distant places in no time.


Believe in the powers of mind. Interests, attention, will, faith and concentration will bring the desired fruit. Remember that mind is born of the Atman through His maya or illusory power.


You can aid a friend in trouble by transmitting to him thoughts of comforts, right from the place where you are. You can help a friend in search of truth by thoughts clear and definite of the truths you know.


You can send into mental atmosphere thoughts which will raise, purify and inspire all who are sensible to them.


If you send out a loving, helpful thought to another man, it leaves your brain, goes directly to that man, raises a similar thought of love in his mind and returns back to you with redoubled force.


Therefore, understand the laws of thought, raise only thoughts of mercy, love and kindness from your mind and be happy always.


When you send out a useful thought to help others, it must have a definite positive purpose and aim. Then only it will bring out the desired effect. Then only the thought will accomplish a definite work.


Practise telepathy in the beginning from short distance. It is better to practice at night, to start with.


Ask your friend to have the receptive attitude and concentration at ten O'clock.


Ask him to sit in Vajrasan or Padmasan with closed eyes in a dark room.


Try to send your message exactly at the appointed time. Concentrate on the thoughts that you want to send. Will strongly now. The thoughts will leave your brain and enter the brain of your friend.


There may be some mistakes in the beginning here and there. When you advance in practice and know the technique well, you will always be correct in sending and receiving messages.


Later on, you will be able to forward messages to different corners of the world. Thought waves vary in intensity and force. The sender and receiver should practise great and intense concentration. Then there will be force in sending the message, clarity and accuracy in receiving the messages. Practice in the beginning telepathy from one room to the next room in the same house.


This science is very pleasant and interesting. It needs patient practice. Brahmacharya is very essential.


Even as the sacred Ganges takes its origin in Gangotri, Himalayas and runs perennially towards Ganga sagar, the thought currents take their origin from the bed of Samskaras (impressions) in the inner layers of the mind, wherein are embedded the vasanas or latent subtle desires, and flow incessantly towards the objects both in waking state and in dreaming state. Even a railway engine is sent to engine shed for rest, when its wheels become over-hot, this mysterious engine of mind goes on thinking without a moment's rest.


Practice of telepathy, thought reading, hypnotism, mesmerism and psychic-healing clearly proves that the mind exists and that a higher mind can influence and subjugate the lower mind. From the automatic writing and experience of a hypnotised person, we can clearly infer the existence of the subconscious mind which operates throughout the twenty four hours. Through spiritual sadhana change the subconscious thought and mind and become a new being.


Thought is life. What you think, that you are. Your thought creates your environment. Your thoughts constitute your world.


If you entertain healthy thoughts, you can keep good health. If you hold on to sickly thoughts in the mind, thoughts of diseased issues, thoughts of weak nerves, thoughts of improper functioning of organs of viscera, you can never expect good health, beauty and harmony. Remember that the body is a product of the mind and is under the control of mind.


If you hold on to vigorous thoughts, your body, too, will be vigorous. Thoughts of love, peace, contentment, purity, perfection, divinity make you, and also others around you, perfect and divine. Cultivate divine thoughts.




(Written by HH Swami Sivananda)


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Baba said, "Purification of mind is absolutely necessary; without it, all our spiritual endeavors are nothing, but useless show and pomp" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, ch. XVI, XVII.


What is prayer?


Prayer is outpouring of the heart.


Prayer is offering flowers plucked from the garden of heart.


Prayer is the cry of the wounded heart to the Beloved.


Prayer is the soul's ascent to the mount of vision.


This word "prayer" means, literally, "asking". I recall the words of Jesus: "Ask and it shall be given to you."


Prayer is asking for the key to the treasures of the Spirit-world. And I sometimes say prayer is a voyage of discovery. For, if you but know how to pray, you begin to discover a mighty world around you – the Spirit-world.


The word for "prayer" in the Sanskrit language is upasana. The literal meaning of this word is "sitting under". That is prayer, -"sitting under" the influence of the Spirit. Many years ago, when I was in England, one sweet little English girl came to me and said: "Teach me what to pray." I said to her: "My child! The Spirit alone may teach us what to pray." But she said: "You must give me some words which I may recite every day!" And I passed on to her the words of an ancient Rishi: "Out of darkness lead me into Light!" (Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya). And I said to her: "Recite these words and in silence meditate on their meaning."


I was a guest in the house of this girl. One day, I looked into a little room and I saw her sitting – this sweet English girl – and she was lisping the words: "Out of darkness lead me into Light!" And she offered the prayer in such sincerity, with such love in her heart, I saw her face illuminated, her eyes aglow with light, and I said to myself: "I have seen the face of God!"


True it is, that from time to time you see a person filled with the spirit of prayer, and gazing at his face you feel that you see the Face of God.






(Sadhu Vaswani in East and West Series, July 2004)




Baba said, "He should get rid of his ego, place (or surrender) it at My feet. He who acts like this in life, him I help the most" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, ch. II


Away from the city's roar and ignoble strife, I sat in a silence corner in a garden. The flowers smiled. Little rain drops pattered on the new leaves of summer. But my heart was not happy.


"So many books have I read," I soliloquised, "So many lives of Saints have I studied. And every morning as I wake up, I recite from the scriptures. And every evening I attend the satsang with clock like punctuality. But, alas! Year after year hath passed away: And I often wonder if I am progressing or regressing."


In utter dejection I wept tears of sorrow. I came to Sadhu Vaswani and opened out my heart's grief at his lotus-feet. in a voice, at once sweet and tender, he said: "Weep not, my child! But hearken to what I say!"


There was something in his words which made me forget my sorrow. The cloud were lifted: and the sun shone again!


"Speak that your servant may listen," I said.


And Sadhu Vaswani said: "It is true you have read many books. But the Pilgrim on the Path books are a burden. And you say you have studied the Lives of Saints: your daily life does not bear witness to it. To study is not to turn over the pages of a book. To study is to ponder well, is to meditate, is to assimilate: the teaching in one's life. And every morning you read from scriptures; are you any better than the parrot who recites, again and again, the Name of God? And every evening you go to the satsang at the right time: are you any better than the temple bell which, at the exact hour, calls the worshippers to the shrine?"


The words were true, too true. I felt humbled. And I said: "Now I understand why my years have been wasted in vain. Tell me, O tell me, what I need to do."


And Sadhu Vaswani said, "Many are the things I would tell you. But not all at once. Gradually I shall unfold to you the pattern of life which you may follow to develop your spiritual powers. Today, let me but pass on to you the first lesson."


"What is it?" I eagerly asked.


And Sadhu Vaswani said, "Remember, the one barrier between you and God is the 'ego'. And instead of putting it down, you but strengthen the ego and hug it to yourself as your dearest friend. Your actions, your thoughts. Your flights of imagination but feed the ego, until it has become your master and lord. Break the tyranny of the ego – is my first word to you!"


And I said, "I understand what you have spoken. I pray that you give me some simple practical instructions which I may follow in my daily life to displace the ego from its position of sovereignty and unlimited power."


And Sadhu Vaswani said: "A few simple suggestions let me make to you today:


  1. "When in the midst of friends or strangers, refrain from pushing yourself forward. See how at the slightest excuse you try to show yourself off!"
  2. "So refrain from much talk. The less you talk, the less you will be noticed and the more you will be permitted to recede in the background. As it is, you talk too much, you always try to monopolise conversation. Only this morning, a friend came to you and tried to speak to you of the burden on his mind. He had scarcely begun when you cut him short and delivered to him a discourse on accepting the Will of God. Can you truthfully say that in every situation of life you accept the Will of God? Then what right have you to lecture to others? It will do you immense good if you remain silent and let others talk."
  3. "What helps is not your words but your vibrations. What transforms is not your lectures but your silent prayers. So talk little to those whom you wish to help but pray for them again and again."
  4. "Always keep clear of the desire of telling others of your life and achievements, your inner struggles and experiences, your opinions and aspirations. Live and grow in the thought that you are as a tiny particle of dust and that no one cares for what you think or say nor misses you when you are away."
  5. "With love in your heart, walk the way of the helpers and servers of the children of God. The poor, the weak, the sinners, the lonely and the lost, the bird and the beast, too are His children. Do at least one good turn every day. And remember that he who turns from the road to rescue another turns towards his goal. He who lifts the burden of the weary lightens his own load! He who speaks a word of hope to those that are in sorrow, heals his own hurt."


"Practice these five things for a week and notice the change that comes over you!"


"Tell me more. To hear you is to be filled with the peace that passeth understanding!" I said. But there was no answer.




(HH J.P. Vaswani in East and West Series)