Sunday, November 2, 2008



On another occasion, Baba wished to impress Dixit and Rege with his wonderful powers and teach them also some humility. Rege had prepared lime syrup and piqued himself on his cleverness in making such a fine syrup, for he had tasted it and found it excellent. so, he carried it jubilantly to Baba. H. S. Dixit was there when the drink was brought to him. Baba, tasted a bit of it, put on a wry face, and told Kaka Dixit, `Arre, Kaka see how acid this squash is that is given to me'. Then Dixit tasted it and declared that it was acid, and he passed it on to Rege himself. Rege tasted it and found it was acid. He was mortified What? To present to his Guru such a severely acid drink! Immediately Baba smiled, and said, `I am only joking. Now taste each of you. You will find it sweet'. Then Dixit and Rege both tasted the very same liquid, and they found it sweet. We cannot say whether Baba's purpose was merely to play a practical joke or teach his devotees humility. humour, we find was only Baba's kindly way of dealing with erring human beings.

On another occasion, Baba had to impress a stranger, Kaka Mahajani's master. the man would not easily believe in saints, but was prevailed upon by Mahajani to go with him to see Baba, whose powers were reported to be wonderful, and so he was anxious to see some chamatkars. In the way they had purchased Monakka dried grapes with sees at a bazaar. when that packet was taken and presented to Baba, Baba took some and gave a portion of it to Kaka Mahajani and his master to taste. The boss Thakersay Sait put the grapes into his mouth and ate. Being in a Mosque, he could not spit the seeds. So, he was obliged to spit them into his handkerchief and put that in his pocket. He was wondering how Sai Baba, who is said to be All-knowing person could fail to understand this difficulty. Baba knew at onceeverything that had passed in his mind, and immediately offered him some more grapes. The very grapes he had bought, namely, the grapes with seeds, were given to him, and Baba said, `Eat'. So, he had to obey. He was annoyed at having to dirty his handkerchief. But lo! And behold! When these grapes were put into his mouth, they had become seedless grapes. he had himself purchased grapes with seeds, and here they were turned into seedless ones. Here was a chamatkar and he was satisfied, as he wanted chamatkars from Baba. But Baba enjoyed this spectacle of mental puzzle with amusement and also gave him an opportunity to study His power that comes to bhaktas who concentrate their minds on the Lord and whose every wishes therefore immediately effective.

(Courtesy: H H Pujyasri B. V. Narasimha Swamiji)

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