Sunday, September 28, 2008



"Brahma is MY Father, Maya is MY Mother, Universe is MY House"

Who is SAI BABA? When and where was HE born? Who were HIS parents? What was HIS Religion?

When questioned. SAI BABA never gave straight and clear answers to the above questions. HE gave two different answers to the same question Perhaps SAI baba does not want us to bother about HIS religion.

However, the answers as recorded in SHRI SAI SATCHARITA are reproduced for the information and ready reference.

Once BABA said to Malasapati that His parents were very pious and staunch devotees of Lord SHIVA. HE was born to them as a boon conferred by Lord Shankara. After some time the parents left PATHRI for performing penance and left the child SAI BABA under the tree. A childless fakir couple brought HIM (SAI) up from childhood days and drove HIM out when found attached to Lord Shankara

At the Dhulia magistrate's court BABA said that people call HIM SAI BABA. HIS Guru was Vekuasa, HIS Religion was kabir, caste parvat digar (GOD). BABA addressed the mosque as Brahmins Masjid.

Saint Madhavanath told that SAI BABA was the eldest son of a Brahmin Yajuredi Deshasth who hand over HIM to a fakir,

SAI BABA came to SHIRDI in 1854 when HE was a lad of sixteen years and lived for about three years left SHIRDI and again; came with Chand Bhai Patil's marriage party in about 1858 and live-s for sixty(60)years till HE attained Mahasamadhi on 15-10-1918.

The mother of Nana Chopdar said that she saw this young Start attractive and very handsome under the Neem tree, left SHIRDI came again.

God Khandobha said that BABA practiced penance for 12 years beneath the present Neem tree. It is also agreed that BABA was first seen under the same neem tree in the year 1854.

When SAI BABA came to Khandoba's temple along with Chand Bhai Patil's marriage party, as soon as Bhagat Mhalasapati, a priest saw this young fakir addressee Him ‘YA SAI' Welcome SAI, SAI is derived from persian word meaning Saint- Since then the fakir is known to one and all as SAI BABA, From this Khandobha temple SAI BABA came to a dilapidated mud walled mosque and stayed there till the Maha. samadhi on 15-10-1918.

The people who say SAI BABA was a Muslim argue that BABA uttered very often "Allah Malik" "Bismilia". During. HIS childhood HE was brought up by a Muslim fakir, perhaps named Roshan Shah. Baba stayed in mosque. BABA expressed the desire that his mortal should be buried. HE used to speak URDU very frequently and inher­ited Islamic customs,

The people who oppose and contradict the above points say that one of the Islamic practice is reading of Quaran and performing Namaz. This Baba did so.

Like Hindu, Baba had holes in his ears. He allowed worship of photos, statues, local deities, Muslims condem idolatry. He kept dhuni burning which was is not Islamic rituals. He addressed mosque as Dwarkamai. Brahmins Majid and in the mosque Tulsi plant was also worshipped by some Hindu Devotees.

Babas mortal were taken to a temple (closed shelter) meant for Murlidhar.

From the material narrated above it is seen that Babas birth, parentage and religion as agreed by Shri Narasimha Swamy and others are still wrapped in mystery.

The most compromising and the judicious approach about HIS religion may be based on HIS frequent utterance i.e. Sub-ke- Malki Ek Hai. It means all the religions are in HIM.

Therefore it is superfluous to think about HIS religion, birth place and parentage. BABA was Ram as well as Rahim. HE was all in one and one in all. HE is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. HE is Casteless, Birthless and Deatheless.

(N.M. DAS in his book SAI THE GOD ON EARTH)

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