Monday, September 22, 2008


-Foreword to First Marathi Edition by Hari Sitaram Dikshit alias Kakasaheb Dikshit

Tatya Ganpati Kote Patil looked after all the arrangements and management of this fair at
Shirdi, right from the beginning. Maharaj loved him dearly. He called Maharaj as maternal uncle.
His mother, Saubhagyavati Bayjabai served Maharaj devotedly.And that too, at such a time when the majority of the common folk in the village counted Maharaj amongst the mad men. In the earlier days, Maharaj used to go four or five times into the village for alms.

But Saubhagyavati Bayjabai never ever turned him back. Naturally the lady received the fruits of her devotion; but her whole family and specially Tatya was the beneficiary. Not only did
Maharaj give money to Tatya but he was indulged in every way. When Tatya went every evening to Maharaj, the loving occasion between the uncle and the nephew was worth watching and their loving discussions were worth listening to. Similarly, all arrangements at the Masjid and the chavadi were in Tatya’s hands. Maharaj did not get up till Tatya came and helped Him up; and it was Tatya who held Him by the arm and took Maharaj, to the ‘asan’18 spread out by Him, on which Maharaj would take a seat. This was the routine. Even the ‘chillum’ was filled by Tatya.

At the time of the Ramnavami festival, that is on Ramnavami day itself, a procession of two big
flags is taken with pomp to the Masjid; and there, these two flags are tied to two ends. Out of
these, one of the flags comes from Shankar Rao Raghunath Deshpande alias Nanasaheb Nimonkar, and the second one from Nagar’s Damu Seth Kasar. Nanasaheb Nimonkar was the Deshpande of Nimon (the District Accountant). Nimon village is in Sangamner Taluka. As Nanasaheb was counted as a leading personality amongst the men of the Taluka, the Government had appointed him as an Honorary Magistrate; and he discontinued this
assignment at the end because of old age. His uncle resided here, therefore he sometimes came here. Whenever he came here he went for Maharaj’s darshan at the instance of his uncle. By and by, his faith in Maharaj increased and his last three years he spent in Maharaj’s continuous service. He went to his home only for a bath, morning and evening prayer rituals, and his usual
ritualistic practices; the rest of the time he was at the beck and call of Maharaj. Though he was past sixty, he did not think of resting or avoiding any service to Maharaj; nor did he have any wish for it. Maharaj called him “Kaka ”. He did not survive long after Maharaj. Soon thereafter, he attained Maharaj’s feet.

By Maharaj’s grace the end came very well. In the last three days, he saw Maharaj everywhere, and whoever came near him he addressed as Saibaba. (It has already been mentioned earlier that Maharaj was called Baba). Even his own wife he addressed as “ Come Saibaba ”. The wife felt he was under some delusion so she said: “I am not Baba, I am your wife ”. Whereupon he said: “Who is in you? Baba only. You are Baba ”. Thus, with continuous remembrance of Maharaj, his end came.

The second flag that comes at Ramnavami time is from Damodar Savlaram alias Damu Seth Kasar – that is already been mentioned above. Though he had two wives he had no sons by either, therefore he remained quite grieved about it. It was suggested to him once, by Govindrao Sapkar, the father-in-law of Madhavrao Deshpande, to come here and take Maharaj’s blessings.
Accordingly, he came. Maharaj blessed him and he got a son by His blessings. Naturally, his faith in Maharaj was established; and since then bringing a new flag at Ramnavami and feeding all the
fakir’s gathered there on that day has been followed by him; and this observance is continued to this day.

Some years before the commencement of the Ramnavami festival, Maharaj had drawn towards
him a selfless devotee. That devotee is Narayan Govinda alias Nanasaheb Chandorkar. Though he was a resident of Kalyan he was the chitnis19 of the Collector of Ahmednagar. He was told one
day by the Kulkarni of this place viz. by Keshav Anant, alias Appa, that Maharaj had sent for
him. At first Nanasaheb did not believe Appa and told him. “Why do you take Maharaj’s name in
vain? If you desire something from me, why not speak plainly? ” There upon, Appa maintained that he was truly called upon by Maharaj. Thus when he was told so with certainty, Nanasaheb came for Maharaj’s darshan and soon had faith in Maharaj. Then he came frequently and began to take the opportunity of receiving the nectar of Maharaj’s wisdom. Maharaj and he remained together for hours at a time. “Making sashtanga20 namaskar, questioning the guru, serving him, learn what jñyana is. Then those jñyanis who have attained the real knowledge of the Sad-Vastu will give you upadesha of jñyana ”. As per this quotation, from Sri Bhagvad, Nanasaheb’s obeisance, questioning and service was there and Maharaj gave him upadesha (instructions). On one occasion Maharaj propounded the full meaning of this very shloka for more than an hour.

From this preaching, Nanasaheb was convinced that Maharaj had perfect knowledge of Sanskrit. Nanasaheb served Maharaj to his utmost. He will be always remembered for two special matters by the devotees. One was for breaking, renovating and expanding the old Masjid of Maharaj. As it was not convenient for Nanasaheb to do this work personally, it was Nanasaheb Nimonkar who stayed there himself, at his request, and undertook to supervise the work and completed it with excellence. Maharaj’s consent to build the Masjid was taken through Mhalsapati, and Maharaj agreed to it.

Nevertheless, while the work was progressing, Maharaj used to break down the structure, from time to time and huge and heavy stones and pillars were thrown afar. Then, that work had to be
re-done. Others may find Maharaj’s actions as strange, but those who know the inner meaning would not be surprised at Maharaj’s actions. At last the Masjid’s work was completed; and Maharaj having gone that day to Nimgaon, was brought back with pomp and ceremony to live in the new Masjid. Sutars (carpenters) Kondaji, Gabaji and Tukaram, three brothers, were of great help in the work of the Masjid. Until Maharaj’s passing away, sweeping the Masjid, cleaning the utensils of Maharaj, heating the water for Maharaj to wash his face and then drying the place – all these jobs were done by Tukaram only. Generally, Maharaj did not allow anyone else to do this work. Even today, the flags for the Ramnavami are prepared at this carpenter’s home and the procession starts from there.

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