Sunday, September 28, 2008



In the end, a very few concluding remarks are offered.

All the maxima in this booklet aim not only to prove the supremacy of Lord SHRI SAI BAB A but lead ultimately to the conc­lusion that SAI is undoubtedly the GOD on earth.

SAI is our Annadatha, Sadguru, Philosopher, Friend, Doctor, Teacher, Kalpavriksha and a boon bestowing hand. We are verv lucky to have the most valuable preachings which continue to inspire all human cultures. SAI is over green and over lasting Lord. The greatness of SAI lies in the fact that HE is proving more active and responsive as before taking Maha Samadhi. This is indeed a great divine gift. HE performed a number of miracles to save the devotees from sufferings and calamities. A true devotee who surrenders to Him whole heartedly, will be protected undoubtedly.

We the people or devotees who display SAI's photos on all sides in homes should not forgot that SAI is watching our day to day activities, whether good or bad. "Let noble thoughts come to us from all

Forget the" word I "and say HE i.e., "SAI" devotionally, then the problems get solved by his grace. What is required is Guru Dakshina to SAI in terms of devotion and patience in plenty. Inturn wait and see should be our motto.

I feel as if we are all traveling in a ship which is in tempests SAI is our navigator to take us to the destination Safely. Why fear when SAI is with us. HE will not let us drown.

SAI had already assured that HE is always with the devotees who sing HIS songs and Leelas with unshakable belief. Let us chant SAI, SAI as many times as possible and cast our burden on HIM,

It is hoped that after reading this booklet a reader is likely to get spiritual change leading to optimistic life by the grace of SAI BABA

Let us try our best to spread SAI cult through out the world-I am quite sure that HIS benevolent rays shower on true devotees without fail and make the life peaceful, self supporting and blissful. Let all of us have SAI GURU and HIS preaching’s as beacon light to bring heaven on earth.


(N.M. DAS in his book SAI THE GOD ON EARTH)

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