
SAI BABA's teachings are light giving and fruit bearing. They are easily adoptable by all sorts of religions, and have universal validity. BABA knew no caste, creed, except Humanism. Rich and poor were treated equally in his Darbar. HIS grace just like sun rays showered on all equally. HE neither left any heir nor advocated any particular religion. HIS teachings are through HIS sweet words.
According to HIM God is universe and universe is GOD. It means GOD is all pervasive, everywhere in all greatness. sub KA MALIK bk HAI. Lamps may be many but the light is the same. GOD is one,
So far as karma is concerned, SAI BABA said that punishment for past deeds and sins is a MUST and not escapable but by praying to GOD the evil effects may be mitigated. The merits and demerits determine the assignment of heaven and hell respectively. Souls get their births or transmigration according to deeds.
Damu Anna who sat near 'BABA was just thinking whether all the people who take darshan of BABA are blessed and their desires fulfilled. SAI BABA, who was omniscient, read the mind of Damu Anna said that the mango tree bears a number of flowers. Each flower is expected to bring a fruit but this does not happen for the simple reason that most of the flowers, or unripe fruits fall as a result of whirlwind or storm and a few remain. Same is the case with people, who come to him,
BABA said that the nine forms of Bhakti are hearing, praying, remembering, padaseva, service, worship, bowing, friendship and surrender of the soul. If all these nine are achieved, GOD will be pleased and you will be the most happiest man.
Real royalty is renunciation. Fakir's is the real Lordship and it is over lasting and the so called Riches is evanscent. The saying of BABA calls for sense of Non-attachment amongst devotees.
BABA used to utter very frequently ALLA MALLK, ALLA ACHA RAKHEGA, ALLA HU AKBAR. In, these divine words, bAba never claimed himself as GOD.
NISHTA (faith) and SABURI (patience) are the two valuable gilts of a true devotee. Faith, as Rabindranath Tagore says, is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark, and patience in the words of Sarvapalli Radhakrisbna is tolerance which is human culture. In the words of BABA. "Let any body speak hundreds of things against you, do not resent by giving any bitter reply". If you always tolerate such things, you will certainly be happy.
Once Kaka Dixit spoke ill of Christianity at his lodge. Later on he went to BABA to massage HIS feet. baba angrily told him to get away. Kaka Dixit who knew the omniscience of baba repented for having abused Jesus Christ. HE begged pardon. BABA forgave and allowed him to massage HIS legs. Prom this example it is quits clear that BABA, respected all sorts of religions.
About human behavior, HE says that he who craps and cavils at others pierces ME in the heart and injures ME but he that suffers and endures pleases ME most". HE further says that our mind is fickle by nature. It should not be allowed to got wild. Sconce may get restless, the body however should be held in check and not allowed to be impatient. One should not do harm even by thoughts, speech or action.
Beauty is to be admired. In this connection HE says "God has created this beautiful world and it is our duty to appreciate its beauty. The mind will get Steady and calm slowly and gradually, When the front door is open why go by back one. When the heart is pure there is no difficulty whatever, way should one be afraid of any one if there bore no evil thought,
Most of the divine aspects which BABA preached are based on ethical codes. HE savs "Hari (God) will be certainly pleased if you give water to the thirsty, clothes to the naked and verandah to the strangers for sitting and resting. Feeding the hungry is one of the ways of pleasing the Almighty.
Once seeing Mhalasapathy unwilling to give SAI BABA entry and stay at Kandoba temple BABA uttered these sweet words. "All Gods are, one, Hindus Muslims temples and Mosques are the same". ..
Baba did not approve fasting for HE felt that the mind of a faster will not be peaceful to concentrate fully towards God. The soul has to bo appeased.
BABA's philosophical interpretation of UDI and DHUNI are worth noting. HE says light removes darkness i.e., ignorance. Atman body will be reduced to ashes like "UDI.
Ram, Rahim were HIS right and left eyes. HE encouraged muslim festivals like 'Muharram’ equally on par with Hindus festival like Dasara.
HIS teachings are beacon lights and fulfilled the spiritual and mental aspirations of all sorts of people on one hand and on the other brought unity between Hindus and Muslims.
BABA said many a time "I give you what you want. You need not ask me. I know". This assurance was witnessed in a number of cases. Of many Mahalsapathi's case is worth mentioning. He had only daughter but never expressed his hearty desire of having a son. HE led the life of a Brahmachari for he slept daily with BABA. in mosque. BABA told affectionately Bhagat '-A daughter is a tamarind fruit where as a son a mango fruit". Go and sleep in your house. You will have a son These words of BABA proved and Mahalsapathi had a son by the grace of SAI BABA.
BABA stressed the need to have a guide to walk in right direction. Avatars like Lord Shri Rama, Krishna had submitted to their Gurus. SAl SATCHARITA has already recorded the incidents faced by devotees when they disobeyed BABA's advise to have a guide along with them. Let all of us hive SAI BABA as guide (Guru) and his teachings the golden principles of spritual life.
All HIS teachings put together constitute SAI ISM which combines all sorts of religions Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism. Sikhism, Hebruism, Tavism. Confiucisim, Zordastraianism and Hinduism,
BABAs preachings contain the following assurances.
"If MY leelas are either heard or told the diseases will disappear".
"I AM OMNIPRESENT. Said baba. I have no form nor existence-I always live everywhere", This assurance was proved by HIM in a number of cases on different occasions when devotees prayed him. HE assumed the form of a dog, cat, pit, some times snake, Sanyasi and so on, Human beings should not only treat each other generously but all creatures as well.
“He who dives deep into MY leelas would get precious jewal of knowledge".
"If you look to ME I look to you. Why fear when I AM here. If you cast your burden on ME I shall surely bear it". This HE had proved in a number of instances with the devotees who suffered from different diseases. To quote one Mr. Dadha Saheb Khaparde who approached SAI BABA and begged for the life of his son who developed Bobonic plague. BABA took the disease on HIM and lifted HIS kafani up. People saw Bubbles like eggs under the arms. BABA said "see how I suffer for MY devotees. Their difficulties are mine"
"If you give ME ONE I shall give you TEN". This assurance proved in innumerable cases.
"Be whatever you like, do whatever you choose, remember this well that all what you do is known to ME. I AM the Inner Ruler of all and seated in their hearts. I Am the Controller, the Wire Puller, of the show of this Universe". Simple remembrance of MY name SAI SAI will do away with sins of speech and hearing.
SAI BABA said that there will never be any dearth or scarcity of food and clothes in MY devotees house. It is fact that SAI BABA kept up the assurances given by HIM even now.
Today SAI cult is spreading far and wide like passing the current when the switch is made on why? The answer is very simple. SAI teaching are easily adoptable by any person without observing any hard and fast dogmas or religious practices.
HE is responding to the call of thousands of devotee who pray to HIM devotionally even after taking Maha Simjdhi. This is in need a great blessing to man-kind.
(N.M. DAS in his book SAI THE GOD ON EARTH)
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