Tuesday, September 30, 2008



Wherever we go, almost all devotees had a common question – "Despite my prayers to God Almighty since a decade or two, my prayers never addressed to and my sufferings are still continuing and there is no scope towards an end. Throughout my life I devoted all my life in doing good to all my near and dear, yet the resultant reaction is bitterness and unhappiness in my life. Why such indifference only in my life? "

We must understand this question in two contexts. First, what does a prayer mean? Second, How to perform prayers?

As most of us simply think a prayer is routine exercise to appeal God for materialistic gains and just have a satisfaction of performing poojas and visiting temples. Even one stage up, doing parayana, participating in yagnas, etc., Do these acts are sufficient for a person to attain mukthi?
No, not at all. There are instances in the life of Bhagwan Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa. During 1847, when the Queen Rajamani of Kolkatta requested Bhagwan to chant a song on Godess Kali in Kali temple. While chanting on Godess Kali, queen's mind was thinking on her long pending litigation in the court. By understanding the queen's attention was not on Godess, He slapped on her face. While others wanted to punish Bhagwan, queen prohibited to do any harm to Him as the she felt guilty on her act.

The above incident clearly defining anyone in front of God, must surrender themselves in total, our physical body, mental body, conscious and sub conscious body. You need not demand anything from God, as He knows what is appropriate to you and definitely, you will receive without asking. You must practice nistha and sabouri.

In order to get benefits of prayers, it is not necessary to participate publicity oriented poojas budgeted to spend millions of rupees. Baba said " I do not need any paraphernalia of worship" Sri Sai Satcharitram (Ch. xiii) then how can you expect such above extravaganza celebrations will please Baba. Also Baba said " Do not be deluded by worldly honors" (Ch.vi) you should not be a part of products of Maya, such as president, governing committee member, chairman, director, officer, staff etc. We are all servants to our Lord, realize all living beings are one and love all. Submit your ahangar (ego) to the Lotus feed of Baba.

For method of praying Baba explains " The form of the Deity should be firmly fixed in the mind. Let all the senses and mind is ever devoted to the worship of the Lord, let there be no attraction for any other thing. Fix the mind remembering Me always, so that it will not wander elsewhere, towards body, wealth and home. Then it will be calm, peaceful and care-free." (Ch.vi) " I rest there, where there is full devotion" (Ch. xiii)

Now coming to the main topic - the answer is simple. An ardent devotee, sincere in his devotion, never indulge in any offences, still he is suffering. Actually God is happy about his devotion, butit is a test of integrity. In Sri Sai Satsaritra Ch. xxix, "It is to be noted here that doubts and difficulties surround us, just to move us and confirm our faith. We are tested as it were. If we only hold on steadily to Baba, with full faith and continue our endeavors, our efforts will be ultimately crowned with success."

It is Lord's way of action is unique, He agitate us initially and comfort us subsequently. In Sri Sai Satsaritra, Ch. xxxiv, Shama exclaimed to Baba "Deva, what is this play of yours? You first raisea storm and make us restless and then calm it down and comfort us"

Naturally human mind is made to enjoy the results of their efforts at once, like doing a work and getting the wage immediately on its completion, we usually expect the results of our prayers immediately. In the event of prolonged sufferings, his mind is upsetting his prayer process and fabricating unnatural dilemma on his faith and efforts. One must have Nishtha and Saburi to remove all our sins and afflictions and to get rid of calamities in our life.

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai

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