Friday, September 26, 2008



To live is to give. Those that give live. Those that do not give are no better than dead soul.

The person who dies rich dies disgraced. Before death comes let us empty our coffers in service of the surrounding world.

Only a few possess wealth. Most of us are possessed by wealth.

With money you can buy many things, but you cannot buy the things that count – character, morality, faithful friends and spiritual treasures.

The question was asked: “How much did Rockefeller leave behind?” Only one student answered: “Rockefeller left every penny behind!”

The wealthiest man here may become the most destitute hereafter. The best way to transfer money to your account on the other side is to spend it in the service of the poor and broken ones.
Here, on the earth, people judge your greatness by the number of servants you have. There, on the other side they will judge your greatness by the number of people you have served.

Serve silently! Serve lovingly! Serve humbly! Serve without seeking any reward – not even a simple word of thanks.

If you have plenty of wealth but not a generous heart – are you any better than a beggar on the street?

He is truly happy who spends all he has in service of the surrounding world!

Life is short. Be swift to spend all you have in service of the less fortunate ones.

If you get the impulse to give – do not tarry! Give immediately! Who knows what may happen tomorrow?

You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have given something to someone who will never be in a position to repay you.

Three things in human life are the most important. The first is to give. The second is to give and never keep an account of what you have given. The third is to give and to forget that you ever gave!

Pursuit of wealth is like drinking sea water to slake one’s thirst. The more of sea water you drink, the more your thirst increases, until one day, your stomach bursts.

There is no fire like greed.

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