Monday, September 22, 2008

SREE SAI SAMARTHA SATCHARITA – Foreword - Explanation of Notes

SREE SAI SAMARTHA SATCHARITA – Foreword - Explanation of Notes
-Forward to First Marathi Edition by Hari Sitaram Dikshit alias Kakasaheb Dikshit


1. From this statement it would appear that the author wrote this Foreword in 1908 approximately. But, this cannot be, as Dabholkar began keeping records only after that date. There is some apparent error in dating this foreword by at least twenty years.
1A. Now Shirdi is in Rahata Taluka.
2. The part of a hubble-bubble which contains the fire and tobacco is placed in it.
3. Another incarnation of Shiva.
4. Deity of Jejuri, who is also Khandoba.
5. Long, ankle-length shirt-like robe.
6. Garment worn by males around the waist, passing under the crotch and tucked behind.
7. In the matter of a case of theft of jewels.
8. Wandering asetic, who used to wear clothes of brick dust colour.
9. Eleventh day after the new moon and the full dark night.
10. Total surrender of body, mind and wealth signifying that all identifications and attachments of the ego must fall.
11. Sacred fire, burning eternally lit by Baba.
12. Offering made to a Guru or holy person, which could be monetary or otherwise.
13. Present day Dwarakamayi.
14. Meeting place of the villagers and the office of the Kulkarni.
15. The ashes from Baba’s dhuni having miraculous and healing powers.
16. Divine vision or audience with a great saint.
17. Two neighbouring places, close to Shirdi, not further than three to five kilometres.
18. Seat of a honoured person, like a sage or a king or a dignitary.
19. The Secretary for correspondence.
20. Falling on the ground as a stick, with the eight limbs of one’s body touching the ground. It designates total surrender.
21. A melodramatic entertainment of the lewd variety.
22. Religious discourse interspersed with music and song.
23. Stately or large edifice – a mansion.
24. The end of the sari with ornamental border.
25. Institution.
26. Worship with the waving of the lamp.
27. Palanquin.
28. Mace bearer.
29. Devotional Songs.
30. Worship as per specific ritual.
31. Similar to the ritual of Muslims before doing the ‘namaz’.
32. Thick flat unleavened bread used by village folks.
33. Manifestation on earth by a divine being.
34. Favour or anything given by a Guru as a blessing.

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