Monday, August 22, 2016

Shirdi Sai Spiritual Group Healing Prayers – TODAY’s Submission – Group Prayers Scheduled for 25th August 2016, 09:00 hrs, Thursday


help me baba

Om sairam,baba u know everything,plz be with me,help me.,Always bless me and my family with happiness

Posted in ​Others | August 22, 2016 at 3:38 am



pranam baba . Bless all my siblings with their family . Fullfill my daughters wishes. Baba bless all my well wishers in life to overcome the difficuties. Give me mental strength to face the problems. pranam baba.

Posted in Prayer for family ​welfare | August 21, 2016 at 8:26 pm



pranam baba .bless amlan to recover soon.

Posted in Prayer for health, happiness and peace | August 21, 2016 at 8:13 pm



Om Sai Ram!! Dear Sai baba, please be with me. If I had committed some mistakes without my consciousness please forgive me baba..Tomorrow I am having placement drive , baba please be with me, I should get selected, I need your blessings baba, and also I m attending off campus on 25th August, with your […]

Posted in Prayer for job​, business​ | August 21, 2016 at 5:52 pm

Padada Hemanntth kumer

Baba's grace after visiting Him and awaiting for His blessings

Om Sri sai ram .baba I have visited you last dec-3 and from then on my mental turmoil at work place ha come down .may your blessing reach the needy similarly .and now your are aware of my problems being posed my relatives every time to me and my mentally retarded brother and my aged […]

Posted in ​Others | August 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm

Sanjay Gandhi

Baba help me to repay the loans and pls help my daughter to recover from ill- health

Baba Please help me to repay the loans and help me in my business.Plus help my daughter to recover from ill- health.Give me strength and wisdom to carry on day to day activities at work and at home.I ,my daughter,my family need your Grace Sai-Baba.OM SAI RAM.SAI SAI SAI SAI SAI SAI SAI SAI SAI

Posted in Prayer for health, happiness and peace | August 21, 2016 at 11:33 am



Om sairam,baba , I have to go there,u know for what,please baba you know my problems and pain, baba my situation is against me but I have faith on you, I have surrender my problems at ur lotus feet.

Posted in ​Others | August 21, 2016 at 10:23 am


Baba help to repay the loans

Baba Please help me to repay the loans and help me in my business. Give me strength and wisdom to carry on day to day activities at shop and home. I need your grace Baba.

Posted in Prayer for resolving financial problem | August 21, 2016 at 9:06 am

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